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Postby Guest » Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:13 am
Just took the full stop out of my link above cos it wasn't working before.

Postby Rachel » Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:38 pm
I shall look forward to meeting you Heather. :-D

It is really is a fabulous event for any smurf collector. Not just a huge amount of smurfs and smurfy items but also a chance to meet and chat with other smurfers which is so much fun. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby smurf addict » Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:55 pm
i'm so looking forward to going. scott (my other half) is willing to let me go all that way and look after our little girl while i'm gone. he's just the best.

just have to get to the travel agent and work out all the details now.
it is the Sunday 12th march 2006? just want to get there a day or so earlier to recover from flying.

i will be willing to take short shopping spree lists from the aussies. i won't post it from over there i'll bring it back with me and then post. at least that way i can worry about packing the stuff properly later on.

unfortunately won't be able to bring home any porcelains i'd be too worried about breakages. i'd feel awful.

and now i'm just raving like a mad loony lol. soon i'll be like a kid in a toy shop. all those smurfs in one room! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!

i can't wait to meet the other smurfers. it'll be soo cool and i'll be taking my video camera to tape some of the stuff i see.

cheers :beer:
aka - loony woman

Postby smurf addict » Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:26 am
how far is the school where the fair is held at from the akara hotel?
within walking distance?


Postby Guest » Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:15 am
No, it was a car ride, Xavier collected us.

Postby Rachel » Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:12 am
Hi Heather, it might be worth you PMing or emailing Xavier to let him know you are going. Last year there were a few people staying at that hotel going to the Passion. Maybe he will be able to organise a lift for you with someone. :D

his site is:

Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:36 pm
It's funny, Heather, but when I see you logged in at the moment I can literally feel your excitement on the forum, LOL, I bet you can't sit still at the moment can you? :) :) :)

Postby smurf addict » Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:40 pm
nope nope nope can't sit still. i'm currently browsing hte pics of 2005 passion fair on the xavier's page. do you know you can see some prices of smurfs on there, in one of hte pics, that is if you get close enough to look! LOL

so much i want to get, be nice if i won lotto but oh well i can dream or drool. probably better to dream, less messy :shock:

do you know if they sell the smurf carry cases? big yellow things with a smurf on them?


Postby Fram » Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:55 am
I think there were one or two of those last year. Also a lot of the Bully train displays and mushrooms and some other ones, like the Schleich triangle. I don't know if there were any Collector centres (the huge yellow ones from the USA), but there certainly was at least one UK one (welcome to Smurfland? The one with the Smurf relief at the top). I think there was also one of the Schleich mushrooms (the red and white huge one).

And I think Syd will be surprised to hear that drooling is more messy than dreaming, but that may be a boys' thing :o
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby saussard*be » Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:21 am
hi here all information about commodity for passion
have a nice day
more infor mail me


Hotel : 5 km around the fair www.akena.be tel : +32 (0)64 66 44 44
Aeroport : Brussels south (Charleroi) www.ryanair.com
Trein station : www.b-rail.be/main/E/index.php (destination : la louviere centre)

la passione di puffi è il « rendez-vous » grande del collettore in Europa, non avete bisogno di avete mancato questa fiera se avete bisogno delle più informazioni o la prenotazione per questa fiera trasmette una posta al mio massiomo del collaboratore (massimopatriarca@virgilio.it ) per 1 basamento (tabella e le sedie inclued è di 20 euro : 2.50 m x 80 centimetri)

smurf passion is the great “rendez-vous” of collector in europe , you don't need missed this fair if you need more information or reservation for this fair send me a mail for 1 stand (table and chairs inclued is 20 euro 2,50 m x 80 cm)

ist schlumpfneigung Kollektors in Europa das große “rendez-vous”, brauchen Sie nicht vermißten diese Messe, wenn Sie mehr Informationen benötigen, oder Reservierung für diese Messe eine Post,if senden, das Sie 1 Standplatz benötigen (Tabelle und Stühle inclued ist 20 Euro2.50 m x 80 Zentimeter)

la pasión del pituffos es la gran rendez-vous del colector en Europa, usted no necesita faltó esta feria si usted necesita más información o la reservación para esta feria envía un correo,if que usted necesita 1 soporte (la tabla y las sillas inclued es 20 2.50 m euro x 80 centímetros)

schtroumpf passion est le plus grand rendez-vous europeen, a ne pas manquer, reservation ou information envoyez moi un mail merci

but maybe a B I G surprise in 2009 !!!
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