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Postby Kelly618 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:58 am
Hi Everyone-

I was hoping someone would be able to help me to identify these smurfs. I would really appreciate the help. I thought maybe someone actually made the baseball and hiker one into key chains, but they were never really key chains?


Thanks so much,

Postby Bunno Smurf » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:02 am
Hi Kelly,

A lot of smurfs have been made into keyrings and sold that way by stores so thats not unusual.

The smurfs in the diecast cars are Ertl smurfs and the one on the skateboard is a Hardees promo smurf.

The one in the leotard is the parallel bars super smurf...minus his parallel bars :D

:star: LINDA :star:

Postby steveparkes » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:03 am
Hiya Kelly..they are - an Aeroplane ERTL smurf (think thats right, not to sure on that) A hardees sassette smurf (like mcdonalds) that was given away with a meal. A bars gymnast supersmurf (minus his bars), An ERTL fire engine smurf, a hiker and baseball keyring - looks like someone made them into keyrings like you say :D
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby Fram » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:06 am
The hiker may be an original keyring, but the baseballer is definitely homemade.
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Bunno Smurf » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:07 am
oh good call Fram. Just noticed the keyring through the bat! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: The keyrings are usually in the top of the head aren't they??
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Kelly618 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:09 am
Wow! Quick replies--thanks! I just wanted to list them for my collection and this helps.

Are there numbers for these cuties?

Postby Bunno Smurf » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:15 am
Only the normal smurfs and super smurfs really have numbers I think. Parallel bars is 4.0509. A good guide to get is the Der Schlumpf Katalog IV (DSK). It has pictures of all of the normals and supers as well as some other smurfy stuff like the Hardees promos. I did have a quick look for the Ertls but couldn't see them...they may be in there though.

Also Rachel's collection, Blueimps, is pretty extensive and informative: www.blueimps.com
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:23 am
The Parrallel Bars smurf normally doesn't have long sleeves.....it's interesting that yours does though Kelly...it looks kind of cool that way.

Playsets & Buildings have Schleich numbers as well. :D


Postby Rachel » Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:13 pm
The Parrallel Bars smurf normally doesn't have long sleeves.....it's interesting that yours does though Kelly...it looks kind of cool that way.

Playsets & Buildings have Schleich numbers as well. :D

Yes, I noticed him as well. Very cool. :-D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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