24 Countries played in the 1982 World Cup in Spain; Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Camaroon, Chile, Czechoslovakia, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Kuwait, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, PerU, Poland, Scotland, Spain, U.S.S.R and Yugoslavia.
Their flags account for 24 of the 29 signs found in a full set.
3 more of the signs depict the flags of the Spanish provinces of Andalucia, Euskadi and Catalunya. As per user Tessa-Dennis, these provinces were home to the stadiums where the semi-finals and finals took place.
Another flag reads "I (heart) CDC." As per Tessa-Dennis, the CDC was a sponsor of the set. CDC stands for "Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya."
One of my dealers told me "They are very strong in the area from Barcelona (65-80%). They are a political party and they are very national and more for their religion (Catalunya) than for Spain."
Tessa-Dennis said "The one flag of Catalunya and of the other 2 [Euskadi & Andalucia] are probably of the areas they are very big in as a political party."
The last flag sold with this set is the British flag. Why this flag is part of the set is a bit of a mystery. Tessa-Dennis suggests it could be historical; "Great Britain is seen as the birthplace of present day soccer and the league was founded in 1888. The name soccer was first mentioned in Oxfor (sp?) in the early 1880's so it might be that the flag stands for 100 years of modern soccer. (This is just a theory.)
I'm pretty sure these were sold with one of 3 Signholder Smurf-a-Grams.
The first is on a red base reading "EUSKADI zuretzat" and he is holding the Euskadi flag. The second is on a yellow base reading "D'una estade a CATALUNYA" and is holding the Catalunya flag. The last is on a Green base reading "Recuerdo de ANDALUCIA" and is holding the Catalunya flag.
Does anyone know what these Grams say in English? That might help determine if they go with this flag set?
When I first started up, Suzanne Lipschitz of the SCCI sold me a supply of all 3 of these Grams mint in bags. I never did find out their history from her though...Only when I was offered the Soccer Set did I come to think they were part of it. A dealer sent me one with a World Cup flag set, but I never understood if he went with it, or if he was just sending along any signholder Smurf he had to go with the set. But the fact that they match the three provinces hosting the games, that makes me think they go together.
CDC aparently also distributed the "I (heart) CDC" sign as part of a political party set too. This set consists of 4 signs reading "JO (heart) CDC," "SOM UNA NACIO," "CONVERGENCIA UNIO Molts i ben avinguts," and "JO (frankfurter) LA LOAPA."
These also date to 1982. A dealer who sold them to me called them "Convention party flags" and said "they show their opinions about new laws from the Spain government." Can anyone translate these into English?
Thanks again, you guys really did a lot to get me to this point