Hiya Claire, your course sounds very interesting (dental technology), im a registered dental nurse/But mainly dental practice manager now a days. What does your qualification lead you to do when finished ? I must admit dentistry and smurfs go hand in hand. Ive got a great collection of dental smurfs(promo's) and toothbrushing ones too . You must post us some piccies of your project when finished if poss

I got my first toothbrush smurf at xmas! I keep wanting to ask you about the dental smurfs - what are the promos? I can't believe I'm into dental smurfs

I can't believe I've found an expert on the subject who I can chat to about it
I will be a registered dental technician at the end of my degree. I am registered dental student now. I work full time in an orthodontic laboritory and have a day release at college.
(for those who don't know, because I didn't untill I was offered a job (?!), a dental technician makes dental appliances, eg dentures, crowns and braces. They have no contact with the patient. but they have to know their stuff!)
It's hard work isn't it? But I want that qualification. I'm enjoying the trade. I had to write about the roles and responsibilities of dental nurses (and the rest of the dental team) for an assignment a few months ago. I wish I'd posted on here then. I could of asked you
I will definately post my project for everyone to see. The smurf one. Not the dental team one