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Postby Margaret » Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:40 pm
Hi Dyar
Yes it was really awesome !!! I have been pretty lucky with finding
smurfs at yard sales this summer I found a bag of about 5 smurfs marked for $2.00 when I opened it my heart started racing there was a mint baseball smurfett at the bottom of the bag :shock: .

Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:43 pm
Wow Margaret how lucky are you :shock: :shock: . Have you ever done the lottery ? I think you should have ago if not :-D Lucie

Postby Margaret » Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:52 pm
lucie how funny yes I have played the lottery but no never won I guess it would have to be a smurfy lottery lol :)

Postby Gerda » Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:50 pm
Wow Margaret.. can I go smurf hunting with you.. Wisconsin is pretty much picked clean of smurfs :???:

to the original question..
I sort of stopped collecting in the mid 80's, but if I found one odd thing at flea markets I would pick them up. I also traveled to germany in 88 where I picked up a few smurf items. then in '92 I went to Spain where I found a few more smurf items, then after getting married found a few more things in Germany, then when we moved to Italy I found some houses that I did nto have and a few more things. I had always packed them away right after getting them, but as of about 3 1/2 years ago they all came out. I told myself at that time I would only display the things that I picked up on ebay :banghead: now my house is over run :) :)

happily smurfing along

Postby Tessa-Dennis » Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:30 pm
Hi y'all,

Same here, stopped mid 80's and started again in 2000. I actually started agian when I re-discovered the old shoe box from the 80's while cleaning house as I had never sold them. Here is a pic my mom found when I started collecting again. In the corner you see a small piece of a very big poster I had above my bed of the Smurf village and I can remember looking at that poster before going to sleep :-)


Looking at all your mails it isn't strange that the SMurfs which were realesed between the late 80's to mid 90's are the rarest. As we, the die hard smurf fans, abbandoned the litthe bleu guys and girl :-(


Postby Guest » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:31 am
Ah what a cute picture! :cheers:

Postby Rachel » Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:29 am
What a wonderful photo Dennis, Thanks for sharing it with us. I can imagine you dreaming of smurfs whilst fast asleep. :cloud9: :asleep:

WOW Margaret, you had a great deal there. What a fantastic way to get back into collecting. :-D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:14 pm
Dennis looks so innocent there.....what happened? :)

Actually, I think this explains why Dennis is so cool now....he breathed in smurfy air as a child by the looks of that room.

Great pic :D


Postby Tessa-Dennis » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:22 pm
Dennis looks so innocent there.....what happened?
Thanks, this is just what I needed :winks:

It actually was all Smurfs in the room at that time. Sadly this is the only photo and it doesn't show that almost the whole floor of my room was turned into a Smurf village on a large piece of thin wood.

If anybody has an idea how to get this poster you see the corner of I would appreciate the tip. :D


Postby SA Smurfette » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:26 pm
Cute pic Dennis :D

Margaret i can't beleive you getting your baseball smurfette the way you did :shock: 8)
:winks: Raelene :yes:

Check out my smurfy site

Postby bradley » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:06 pm
I think Brad from AU may be too but we'll have to wait and see what he posts ;)
That's right eggie. I've collected smurfs ever since I can remember and haven't stopped. Went through a dry spell during high school where I lost interest for a few years, but although I lost interest I still collected smurfs during that time. But also I'm not continually buying smurfs and adding to my collection. I may go a few months or so without buying something. Surprisingly I really haven't brought many smurfs on ebay. I think last year was probably the most smurfs I've brought in a year to date. Mainly for DJ and Kmart and making sure I brought everything they have sold before I missed out.


Postby Guest » Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:35 am
Thank you to everyone for their answers ! There have been some interesting comments, and pictures too ! Thanks Dennis ! :D

:-D :beer:
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