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Postby DrunkSmurf » Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:08 am
For the big smurf spenders out there, do you ever find yourself in hot water with the spouse?

I've caught myself a couple of times doing "funny accounting"--having the package shipped to my mum, then writing my mum a cheque, recording the expense as "groceries" or "stuff". I guess this isn't ethical. My burning problem is that there's an old-style windmill I want to get, but it's after Christmas. There's also an old style farmhouse that has caught my eye. Needless to say, even in a best case scenario, I don't dare get both of them... WHY COULDN'T I HAVE STARTED COLLECTING SMURFS WHEN I WAS SINGLE?

And, it's not really about the money. A $100 bucks here. A $100 bucks there. OK, nobody died. BUT IT ISN'T EXACTLY RESPONSIBLE. Is there a threshold after which Bob and Frank show up at the door in dark suits with Bibles and the revelation that "you have a problem, but there's help."

I don't have a problem. Smurf collecting isn't a crime. It's just not a virtue, either.

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:23 am
LOL Tim !

This post is me ! I'm always getting into trouble but i always talk myself back into the good books, dont know how, but i manage too somehow !

:-D :beer:

Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:58 am
Ah....that may explain why Mrs Dyar is always grumpy with me. Do I get into trouble?.......does Homer say "D'oh!" a lot? I wish I had a smurf for everytime Mrs Dyar has threatened to leave me for spending money on smurfs....hang on.....I do already :)

You see...this is why I am so jealous of Simon & Lucie who collect smurfs together....although, I guess they just get into trouble for buying the wrong types of smurfs. :shock:

I have written to Schleich and suggested a compromise to help Simon & Lucie out......it featured some ideas about how cool it would be to have a Rugby Smurf with Colgate sponsorship across the front.....and a Toothbrush smurf with a football shaped toothbrush. Perfect huh?

Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:52 pm
Oh Dyar , that is too funny :-D Simon would love a rugby smurf sponsored by colgate . Well i would love it too, but now you have created a problem :???: Which collection would it go in :-? We would both fight over it :o On a serious note, Simon does get in to trouble sometimes for spending loads on promo smurfs. I do forgive him in the end when they get here and i see how cute they are. Simon on the other hand never tells me off, he infact encourages me to buy smurfs , which is the lesser evil :? We have a smurf problem , but we are happy :-D Lucie

Postby Rachel » Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:20 pm
Hi guys, :wave2:

I have to admit I am very lucky as hubby is very good when it comes to me spending smurfy money. If anything, it oftens happens that I am the one ummming and arhing whether to go for something or how much to spend and hubby is egging me to go for it. :cheek:

Shoes however are a totally different matter.............. :aargh: :sofa: :)
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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