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Postby Rachel » Sat Oct 02, 2004 6:27 am
I suppose we all have smurfs that we are looking for. I generally have a small list in my brain of particular figures that I would be very interested in and normally there are just one or two things I am looking out for that I would probably "kill" :o to get! (depending on finances at the time) :D The huge Papa smurf was one of these items........

Of course, much of the time we end up buying stuff we weren't even looking for but I am just wondering if anyone else has these "lists".

Red = already purchased

Current Most Wanted:
Large papa smurf
Any rugby smurfs not already owned
Moon Playset

Very Interested In:
Any soccer variaitions
Bull Fighter fake smurfs
Purple Mechanic
White Comet Superman
Soccer 2.0035 variation with yellow ball
Archer variation with vertical bow
Carnival smurf with green / red lantern
Magician with grey hat
Mushroom smurf with yellow mushroom
Scuba diver both flat feet
Suprise cones with all orange and all green cones

Oh dear, think I had better win the lottery!
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Oct 02, 2004 8:58 am
Hi Rachel...good question to ask and yes I am making lists all of the time of the ones I want. I have left out most of the promos to make the list shorter and by no means is this a complete list but it's big enough...maybe too big.

Here is my current wishlist of ones I can or should be able to get

Flower (red felt flower and also other alt versions)
Smurfette (red shoes)
Singer (light yellow note sheet)
Ice Jolly (x 2 - inter rent & Schlumpf-hausen)
Golfer (red pants)
Toothbrush (white raw tube)
Forzas (only have 3)
Carnival (red, yellow, green lantern)
Iceskater (Holiday on Ice)
Captain (blue version)
Cheerleader (with no "S")
Aust Football (blue - want to replace original one from childhood)
Valentine Smurfette (pink)
Violin (brown bow)
Apple (NY)
Jumprope (blue rope)
Papa w/ Book (x 2 - orange & 2nd vers of Silan promo)
Gargamel with Net (all yellow (raw) net)
pink & blue babies (different variations to my ones)
Wild (light green)
Sassette (with Freckles)
Puppy (brown)
Pfiffikus (blue shirt)
30 Anniversary smurf on gold (I think) stand

Piano (Schimmel promo)
Motorcross (white & green vers)
Lifeguard (white flag)
Hurdler (clear peg)

old Farm

Here is my current wishlist of ones that will be hard to find

Astro (blue shirt)
Brainy (tellow glasses)
Weightlifter (all white suit singlet/pants)
Soccer (Bundesliga & world teams)
Soccer (x 2 - red also yellow ball)
Doctor (INA)
Cleaner (no shirt, BP, Shell)
Champion (green wreath)
Rugby (world teams)
Cook (red bow tie)
Tyrolese (x 2 - green raw, also eyes (black) unpainted version)
Sledgehammer (yellow)
Cake (yellow)
Archer (bow on side)
Carpenter (saw going horizontal)
Frogman (x 4 - yellow, red, pink-red, feet flat)
Policeman (all white)
French Fries (red packet)
Waiter (crooked tip on straws)
Papa w/ Potions (bright yellow & green glasses)
Majorette (blue)
Surprise Bag (all green without yellow)
Table Tennis (x 2 - burgundy & blue)
Bodybuilder (red dick stickers...sorry, I meant red cozzie, speedos)
Newsman (out line of smurf only)
Syd Smurf (one that behaves itself...if there is one)

Chimney Sweep (yellow)
Skateboard (yellow)
Sign Bearer (x 8 - Spanish)
Shell Go Kart

Well (composite set)
Snail playset (composite set)
Astro playset (any box most recent, old, very old, small, tall and wide)
Gargamel's Lad & Smurfette's bedroom (old Applause box)
Large Tree Stump
old Gargy Castle
Postby attombomb7 » Sat Oct 02, 2004 10:45 am

the one I want the most so far and havn't ever seen is the blue snail

I have a rholing snail but love the blue one..so if you ever see him

slap me silly!!! so I won't sell my collection for him!!!


Postby Papa Smurf » Sat Oct 02, 2004 11:57 am

I have a spare holiday on ice for you...wanna trade? I am looking for Rohlinge to trade for it?
Hi Rachel...good question to ask and yes I am making lists all of the time of the ones I want. I have left out most of the promos to make the list shorter and by no means is this a complete list but it's big enough...maybe too big.

Here is my current wishlist of ones I can or should be able to get

Spy (cape red on inside)
Flower (red felt flower and also other alt versions)
Money (held forward)
Lantern (black roof)
Smurfette (red shoes)
Singer (light yellow note sheet)
Ice Jolly (x 2 - inter rent & Schlumpf-hausen)
Golfer (red pants)
Toothbrush (white raw tube)
Forzas (only have 3)
Carnival (red, yellow, green lantern)
Iceskater (Holiday on Ice)
Captain (blue version)
Cheerleader (with no "S")
Aust Football (blue - want to replace original one from childhood)
Valentine Smurfette (pink)
Violin (brown bow)
Apple (NY)
Jumprope (blue rope)
Papa w/ Book (x 2 - orange & a diff vers of Silan promo)
Gargamel with Net (all yellow (raw) net)
pink & blue babies (different variations to my ones)
Wild (light green)
Sassette (with Freckles)
Puppy (brown)
Pfiffikus (blue shirt)
30 Anniversary smurf on gold (I think) stand

Piano (Schimmel promo)
Motorcross (white & green vers)
Lifeguard (white flag)
Hurdler (clear peg)

old Farm

Here is my current wishlist of ones that will be hard to find

Astro (blue shirt)
Brainy (tellow glasses)
Weightlifter (all white suit singlet/pants)
Soccer (Bundesliga & world teams)
Soccer (x 2 - red also yellow ball)
Doctor (INA)
Cleaner (no shirt, BP, Shell)
Champion (green wreath)
Rugby (world teams)
Cook (red bow tie)
Tyrolese (x 2 - green raw, also eyes (black) unpainted version)
Sledgehammer (yellow)
Cake (yellow)
Archer (bow on side)
Carpenter (saw going horizontal)
Frogman (x 4 - yellow, red, pink-red, feet flat)
Policeman (all white)
French Fries (red packet)
Waiter (crooked tip on straws)
Papa w/ Potions (bright yellow & green glasses)
Majorette (x 2 - blue & beige)
Surprise Bag (all green without yellow)
Table Tennis (x 2 - burgundy & blue)
Bodybuilder (red dick stickers...sorry, I meant red cozzie, speedos)
Newsman (out line of smurf only)

Chimney Sweep (yellow)
Skateboard (yellow)
Sign Bearer (x 8 - Spanish)
Shell Go Kart

Astro playset
Large Tree Stump
old Gargy Castle

Postby XoioX2000 » Sat Oct 02, 2004 1:43 pm
I think I have a few which you may find interesting Syd... I'll send you a list, in a few days... another thing on the "to do"...

And to do a list of the "missing" ones... yeah that as well on the to do thing...

Ok, I did say to Rachel that I'll stop sleeping for a while... better get started...


:dragon: I like the smell of Napalm, first thing in the morning...:dragon:
Check out The Dragon's Cave

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Oct 02, 2004 8:47 pm
Thanks David & Papa for your offers.

To Papa - I don't have any spare rohlinge to trade I'm afraid. The ones I do have aren't that rare but I still would want to keep them more than a lot of those items on my list as I love the raws.

To David - I would love to see your list of any smurfs you may have on my dream list.


Postby Papa Smurf » Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:42 am
any rugby ones?
Thanks David & Papa for your offers.

To Papa - I don't have any spare rohlinge to trade I'm afraid. The ones I do have aren't that rare but I still would want to keep them more than a lot of those items on my list as I love the raws.

To David - I would love to see your list of any smurfs you may have on my dream list.


PS - Don't sleep David...it gives you cancer.

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:51 am
Hi Papa

I would love the Holiday On Ice and the Rugby ones as well but I really have nothing to trade with you I'm afraid. I think I have a couple of average ones but nothing that would equal any of those ones you mentioned.....I wish I did though.



Postby Papa Smurf » Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:59 am
or even a normanl angry smurf?

Postby Guest » Sun Oct 03, 2004 3:03 am
Can you keep ongoing chat about trades to PM's guys please? :-D

Postby Papa Smurf » Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:03 am
ok...good point K

Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Sun Oct 03, 2004 7:38 am
HHmm good question which smurfs would i love to have definately the Blue Astro to go with our Astro set and other Astro smurfs.
Smurf Western Wagon Playset
All the Phillips Light Bulbs and Phillips Battery Smurfs
The I love New York Smurf
The Smurf Castle
Smurf Tree stump Playset
Smurf Windmill
Toothbrushing smurf on musical stand(your cute i like you)
Promo dentists (broxo) (Dr wolfgang Koch)(zahnmannchen) (pdh dental)versions.
Bp Petrol Pump and attendant.
Shell purple overalls
Gardener with white Buckets
Any footballers
congratulation smurf
White policeman jubilee smurf
Hund welpi
patriot smurf
easter baby in egg
easter smurf with egg
smurf holding easter egg on his back
smurf eating chocolate easter egg
go kart smurf
rocking horse smurf
and so on and so on.................................. the list is endless , we need to win the lottery tooooooo.............................. lucie :smile:

Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Sun Oct 03, 2004 7:43 am
Ps Simon just wants Rugby Smurfs (the More the Better) :? lucie

Postby Papa Smurf » Sun Oct 03, 2004 3:52 pm
Here you go Syd,

http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie ... otohosting
Hi Rachel...good question to ask and yes I am making lists all of the time of the ones I want. I have left out most of the promos to make the list shorter and by no means is this a complete list but it's big enough...maybe too big.

Here is my current wishlist of ones I can or should be able to get

Spy (cape red on inside)
Flower (red felt flower and also other alt versions)
Money (held forward)
Lantern (black roof)
Smurfette (red shoes)
Singer (light yellow note sheet)
Ice Jolly (x 2 - inter rent & Schlumpf-hausen)
Golfer (red pants)
Toothbrush (white raw tube)
Forzas (only have 3)
Carnival (red, yellow, green lantern)
Iceskater (Holiday on Ice)
Captain (blue version)
Cheerleader (with no "S")
Aust Football (blue - want to replace original one from childhood)
Valentine Smurfette (pink)
Violin (brown bow)
Apple (NY)
Jumprope (blue rope)
Papa w/ Book (x 2 - orange & a diff vers of Silan promo)
Gargamel with Net (all yellow (raw) net)
pink & blue babies (different variations to my ones)
Wild (light green)
Sassette (with Freckles)
Puppy (brown)
Pfiffikus (blue shirt)
30 Anniversary smurf on gold (I think) stand

Piano (Schimmel promo)
Motorcross (white & green vers)
Lifeguard (white flag)
Hurdler (clear peg)

old Farm

Here is my current wishlist of ones that will be hard to find

Astro (blue shirt)
Brainy (tellow glasses)
Weightlifter (all white suit singlet/pants)
Soccer (Bundesliga & world teams)
Soccer (x 2 - red also yellow ball)
Doctor (INA)
Cleaner (no shirt, BP, Shell)
Champion (green wreath)
Rugby (world teams)
Cook (red bow tie)
Tyrolese (x 2 - green raw, also eyes (black) unpainted version)
Sledgehammer (yellow)
Cake (yellow)
Archer (bow on side)
Carpenter (saw going horizontal)
Frogman (x 4 - yellow, red, pink-red, feet flat)
Policeman (all white)
French Fries (red packet)
Waiter (crooked tip on straws)
Papa w/ Potions (bright yellow & green glasses)
Majorette (x 2 - blue & beige)
Surprise Bag (all green without yellow)
Table Tennis (x 2 - burgundy & blue)
Bodybuilder (red dick stickers...sorry, I meant red cozzie, speedos)
Newsman (out line of smurf only)

Chimney Sweep (yellow)
Skateboard (yellow)
Sign Bearer (x 8 - Spanish)
Shell Go Kart

Astro playset
Large Tree Stump
old Gargy Castle

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Oct 03, 2004 9:27 pm
Thanks Papa....I have just organised one from a member here....thanks guys I appreciate all of your help.....Mrs Dyar wants a few words with you guys though.

Mr Dyar
Postby steveparkes » Mon Oct 04, 2004 2:02 am
My most wanted list is as follows:


Phillips Battery & white bulb
BP Congrats promo with yellow stand
Number 1 teacher
Gardener with buckets
Shimmler piano promo
Any other promos


Blue Aussie footballer
Footballer with Yellow ball
Lantern smurf with red, yellow & green lantern
Purple overall mechanic
Black, Green & white & light blue rugby smurfs
Pastel baby with blocks
Yellow fireman smurf
All variations of red and green surprise bags
Any footballer variations


Mushroom playset - old box
Moon set - any box :D


P.S. Forgot to add..if anyone wants to trade, I have several gargamels with net, ice cream smurfette, smurfette with mirror, and a few others that are mint...will have a look tonight..think I've got a smurfette thanksgiving too.
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:28 pm
What's funny about these wanted lists is that what we want and what we are actually buying are probably 2 different things.

It would be interesting to see in 12 months what everyone had on their list and what they actually bought....I know some purchases are secret so I am not really expecting it but I would find it interesting as a study.


PS - I am very proud of myself as I just learnt what the word study meant...will have to use it more now.

Postby Gerda » Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:00 am
I know what you mean Dyar. I have things I really want and then end up buying things just because I think they look cute. My collection would grow so much faster if I just stuck to pvc items, but I stray :( :(

ps.. dyar, I did buy the big king guy.. I will let you know when he gets here

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:08 pm
See....that's exactly what I mean. I have strayed to things like raws, fakes, kinders, books, posters, display boxes, dyarcast vehicles, mini catalogues, glasses, crystal smurfs and other little things that catch my eye. I know I am not alone here.

Gerda I do like the look of that King so I will be interested to hear what you think about it. I bought those Easter & Pirate smurfs lately but didn't like the quality I received so I made a complaint and now the guy is sending out another set to me without charge. That's kinda cool of him but the ones I received weren't very nice so I didn't want to just accept them even though I know that the quality standards are going to be lower than Schleich's. I have never done that before but I think there should be a certain level of standard that you just cannot stomach if you are really unhappy with the purchase. Hopefully there will be no problems with your King and that mine was just a one off bad batch of Easter smurfs. Has anyone else had the same probs with the Easter/Pirate smurfs?

I would like to get one of those Kings too as they would look cool wherever I could fit him. I might put him in the cupboards so when Mrs Dyar opens them she gets a royal surprise before giving me a royal beating.

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