That fiddler is superb!!
hi! that fiddler is what made me want this rohling lot so much!
I had bid on all the rholings and actually lost the fiddler to another buyer
in a ebay auction.. so I ended up after the auction buying the gray dog and pink rabbit thing..
but originally all I wanted was that fiddler!! its mauve!
luckily the seller had another one and I bought it separately
with the bath tub naked smurf..
I paid 28 euro just for the fiddler! but it was one I had to have!
and now I am glad I got the others as well!
Dyar wanted the Papa and rocking chair! and the blue cowboy was in the same lot
I think I can find another blue cowboy to go with my fiddler... so its not
so bad that he moves to Australia!
besides... Dyar and I may split that huge lot with the half painted smurfs
in it!... oops! did I say that?? hehehehe:)