Hi He_Man
Welcome to the forum and it's nice to see another Aussie say hello around here (the rest of the forum goes....

To a lot of us that have been collecting for a while it is very obvious that these ones in the auction were fakes...HOWEVER the seller did in no way describe these as such which I find very deceitful. This is what the seller states in his auction:
i try to describe items as honestly and best i can.
I personally think that the seller could of tried a bit harder as I am sure he would of known these were fakes. I doubt very many of these would actually have the Bully markings (maybe the Flying ones) but the rest would be W Germany Peyo and the fact that he states that he never mentioned anything about the Schleich marking makes me think he was planning on someone not realising these were fakes.
Don't feel bad for not knowing that these were fakes as I think the seller had the responsibility to inform potential buyers exactly what he was selling. On the bright side, these are nice to have in a collection as something different and by owning them, they are probably the best way to learn how to spot these types of fakes in the future. When you compare these to the originals you will see the differences so they can become a very good reference for you. There are lots of different types of fakes out there so some look a lot similiar to the normal ones and can be very hard to tell even for people who have collected for long time. These fakes that you bought have originally come from the Netherlands and we believe are only a recent production. There are older ones that look virtually identical except for they are softer and more bendy.
Bully smurfs are considered to be authentic smurfs however that didn't stop people putting the Bully marking on the fake Flying Smurf as you can see on your ones. Learning to tell the difference between real and fake smurfs is not very easy at first but it doesn't take long to learn what the differences are and how to spot them. Once you learn a bit you tend to pick up more by seeing other smurfs and before too long it becomes quite easy to spot them most of the time.
If you ever have any doubts about whether a smurf is fake or real then you can always post a pic here of a smurf or contact me or some other forum member via Private Message and they will be more than happy to help you in any way they can. That's the type of thing this forum is for and we have all learnt so much since coming here....I don't think I could of spotted a fake before I joined here last year but with the guidance of people like Attom and others I am now quite confident in spotting which smurfs are fakes or not.
Perhaps another good idea is to purchase a copy of a smurf guilde like Der Schlumpf Katalog which shows pictures of each authentic smurf as well as supers, smurf a grams (aka sockels), raws (unpainted smurfs) and also fakes. This could be very handy to see what the different types of smurfs look like. I know I learnt a lot after buying this book. Here's a link so you can see which book I am talking about...it's the one at the top:
http://www.kittyscavern.com/shop/catego ... gory_id=25
If you have any other questions then please feel free to ask anyone here for help at anytime.
Other than that, tell us a bit about your collection and how you got into collecting smurfs.