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Postby Kelly618 » Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:55 pm
Hi Everyone-
Is there ever any smurf conventions or toy shows that have smurfs?

Postby Bunno Smurf » Sat Nov 05, 2005 11:41 pm
Hi Kelly,

Welcome to the forum. :D There's Smurf Passion in Belgium each year around April. I think it is going to run again next year.

Heres the link to the info on this year's one: http://www.forum.bluecavern.com/viewtop ... 39&start=0

Theres a video around too somewhere. If you have a look in Smurfy News there are a few more threads in there about smurf fairs or proposed smurf swap meets. They are trying to organise one in the UK. Hope that helps. Where are you from? That may help others to tell you about your/their part of the world and what happens there.

There's not much of that kind happening in Australia. There's a guy in Melbourne with a stall at some markets and I sometimes find some smurfs in stalls at the local markets in Perth but its a rare thing to see them.

:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:58 am
H-H-H-H-Hi Kelly

Welcome to the forum and I really love your avatar :D


Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:43 am
Hi Kelly and welcome. :D feel free to join in and look out for Syd he SO LOVES the roller skate smurfettes. :) :)
Smurfy regards, Steve. :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:53 am
Hi Kelly

Welcome to the forum, it's great to see so many new members join joining up and saying hello recently.

I apologise for Syd's behaviour...Rollerskaters are my little smurf's weakness so expect a valentine PM next February from him...I will do my best to keep him under control until then.

Are you from Australia or elsewhere? I am not aware of any smurf conventions in Australia yet but I have talked to a guy in Sydney who is thinking of getting one together where people can buy and sell smurfs which could grow into something quite special over time. If I hear of anything like a date or that it is going ahead then I will definately post it here on the forum to let you know. I may know more after next weekend.

Take care and I hope you like it around here :D


Postby Rachel » Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:32 am
Hi Kelly, welcome aboard. :welcome:

As Linda mentioned, there is a very big smurf fair each year in Belgium called Schtroumpf Passion, this is organised by Xavier, another member here. His website is: http://www.saussard.be/

There are quite a few smurf fairs throughout Europe. mainly in Holland, Belgium and I am assuming there would also be some in Germany. We are going to try and have a smurf meet / swap next year in UK and another of our new members JPsmurf mentioned trying to organise one in Canada - http://www.forum.bluecavern.com/viewtopic.php?t=4906 :D

Have you been collecting long?
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:48 am
Looking at your email address I am guessing you are from the US because it is similar to Staci's (eggiesmurf). I guess it is harder for the US because it is such a big place, like if we organise something in the UK we know most people will be able to drive to it. The only thing I have heard of in the US is swap meets.

Welcome to the forum anyway, I know you joined a while ago but glad to chat to another smurfy person! :cheers:

Postby SA Smurfette » Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:54 am
:welcome: Kelly

You'll love it here :D

Only swap meets i know of are between Trish and i, seeming we live in the same city :-D


Postby Fram » Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:41 am
:welcome: Kelly! :cheers:
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Kelly618 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:48 am
Thanks for all of the responses and the warm welcome. I am from the US and was hopeful that there was a smurf convention. It looks like there is a need for one, or maybe I will have to talk my husband into going to Belgium. :-)

Is there anyone from the New Jersey/New York City area on here?


Postby eggie smurf » Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:19 am
:welcome: Kelly :hiya:

There are no conventions that I know of in the US :banghead: so Belgium is our best bet! I am from DE so not too far from NJ/NY area...there is a website/store in Buffalo but I'm not sure if you're anywhere near there (probably not if you're on the Jersey side of NY!) - here's the website anyway as they have some great smurf items for sale: http://www.toyline.com/brismurf/departments.html

Looking at your email address I am guessing you are from the US because it is similar to Staci's (eggiesmurf).
Hey keep your eyes off my email address :eye: :eye: (just kiddin'!)
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Kelly618 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:24 am
Thanks for the link. Now I have to get to Belgium and Buffalo. :-) I think we should put together a convention in the US, wouldn't that be fun!!

I have only been "collecting" for less than a year, but I have always had an obsession for the little blue guys, but I have just recently started to add to my childhood collection. My smurfs are about the only thing my mother didn't give away... I guess she knew how much I loved them. So, on a recent trip home I got them out of storage and they are amazingly all in good shape.

I am so glad to have a place to go to meet others who share the same interest :-)

Thanks for the open arms for a newbie.

Postby Tojo » Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:30 pm
:welcome: Kelly
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:
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