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Postby bradley » Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:26 am
Reminder that the 5th and 6th dvd single episodes are out this week. On Wednesday. The warehouse mag for this week pictures one of them (I think it is the every picture smurfs a story ep with Painter smurf on the packaging).

Smurfs - The Adventures Of Robin Smurf
Smurfs - Every Picture Smurfs A Story

I'll try and pick these up this week.
Ezydvd have actually listed the 3rd and 4th finally.

Next month Vols 8 and 9 will be released but no websites have them listed yet. I'm waiting to find out the episode titles these will contain.


Postby Guest » Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:31 am
Can someone remind me what all the titles and volumes etc. are called? I know I can probably find the info here on the forum or this thread but I am being a bit lazy and wondered if somone knew off the top of their heads and could tell me. :) :)

Thank you in advance :-D

Postby bradley » Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:38 am
volume one.... volume two.... volume three.. etc

Postby bradley » Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:39 am
hehe.. here:

-Volume One
8-King Smurf
2-Jokey's Medicine
1-The Astrosmurf
4-St. Smurf And The Dragon
6-Sorceror Smurf
5-The Magical Meanie

-Volume Two
9-The Smurfs And The Howlibird
7-Bewitched, Bothered, And Besmurfed
35-Smurf-Colored Glasses
12-Dreamy's Nightmare
10-Soup A La Smurf

-Volume Three

-Volume Four
22-Poet & Painter
33-Spelunking Smurfs
32-Now You Smurf Them Now You Don’t
30-Gargamel the Generous
39-Smurfs and the Money Tree
36-A Clockwork Smurf

-Volume Five
19-Sir Hefty
23-Haunted Smurf
24-Purple Smurf
16-Sideshow Smurfs
26-Magnifying Mixture
27-Foul Weather Smurf

-Volume Six
18-Paradise Smurfed
25-The Fountain Of Smurf
SPECIAL - Springtime
80-The Good, The Bad and The Smurfy

-Volume Seven
44-Sister Smurf
40-The Smurf Who Couldn't Say No
55-Waste Not, Smurf Not
43-S-Shivering S-Smurf
65-The Blue Plauge

-Volume Eight (Unknown)

-Volume Nine (Unknown)

-Volume Ten
79-Smurf Me No Flowers
52-The Kaplowey Scroll
63-Smurfs At Sea
83-The Box Of Dirty Tricks
78-Sleepwalking Smurfs
72-The Littlest Giant

-Volume Eleven
85. All's Smurfy That End's Smurfy
41. The Adventures Of Robin Smurf
Special - My Smurfy Valentine
Special - The Smurfs' Christmas Special

-Volume Twelve
125. April Smurf Day
126. The Magic Stick
97. Born Rotten
88. The Smurf Fire Brigade
90. Every Picture Smurfs A Story
89. The Winged Wizard
91. The First Telesmurf

-DVD Singles
1.St. Smurf And The Dragon (ep4)
3.Magnifying Mixture (ep26)
4.Sorceror Smurf(ep6)
5.The Adventures Of Robin Smurf (ep41)
6.Every Picture Smurfs A Story (ep90)

EPISODES SOFAR - 38 Episodes

To Confirm Vols 10-11-12: 41,52,63,72,78,79,83,85,SPECIAL02,SPECIAL03,88,89,90,91,97,125,126

SEASON ONE - 8 Episodes Missing

Vanity Fare
The Magic Egg
Smurphony In 'C'
The Hundredth Smurf
The Adominable Snowbeast
The Smurfette
The Smurfs' Apprentice


Postby Guest » Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:25 am
Thank you Brad, what a star! :)

Postby Guest » Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:47 pm
Anyone that is interested, I ordered something recently from HMV Australia and it was a trouble free transaction. They have the Smurf dvds available here.

http://www.hmv.com.au/search/search.asp ... =22&I1.y=9

Obviously remember they are for Australian region dvd players but at least they smurf in English!

Postby bradley » Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:02 am
I haven't managed to find the latest dvd singles in store.
The warehouse was supposed to have them, and one was pictured in a catalogue but when I went they had new smurf ones. And I've searched Kmarts and Big W. Big W actually have a special magna box (with smurf logo on box) and hanging in it are the different dvd single titles. I think they only had the one with Smurfette pictured.

I might have to buy these online or not bother buying the single ep dvds.

Volumes 8 and 9 are supposed to be released this month but I have found no websites with these are listed or any release date. Maybe there is a delay on these now. Can't remember what the date was that I was told through magna, will have to check back in this topic.


Postby SA Smurfette » Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:15 am
Brad, i see Ezydvd has Volume 8 available for pre order.

Release isn't till March 2006 :eek:


Postby Bunno Smurf » Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:42 am
Oh and Brad they (Ezydvd) seem to also have the singles available to order too :D
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Guest » Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:08 am
I think HMV do too, that's where I've been getting my dvds from, they arrive really quickly as well.

Postby Tojo » Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:07 pm
A 3 DVD set has just been released here in Germany for €28.99.
Volume 1:-
01 König Schlumpf / Jokies Medizin
02 Sankt Schlumpf und der Drache
03 Der Zauberschlumpf / Der Flaschengeist
04 Die Schlümpfe und der Heulvogel
Volume 2:-
01 Verhext, verbrüdert und verschlumpft
02 Die rosaschlumpfige Brille
03 Schlumpfsuppe
04 Die große Fusselplage / Es ist nicht alles Gold, was schlumpft
Volume 3:-
01 Schlumpfines Tanzschuhe
02 Der falsche Schlumpf / Das Kuckucksei im Schlumpfnest
03 Sir Hefti
04 Abenteuer im Spukschloss / Die Schlümpfe sehen rot

I shan't be buying them though as I have all these on video cassettes already. (I can translate the titles if anyone is interested).

Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby bradley » Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:27 pm
Brad, i see Ezydvd has Volume 8 available for pre order.

Release isn't till March 2006 :eek:

Thanks for that Raelene! I had checked there yesterday and nothing. So hadn't yet checked again today. Will run over there now and pre-order. Was wondering when the next release would be. March!! That is a long way off yet.
Oh and Brad they (Ezydvd) seem to also have the singles available to order too
yes. Ezydvd have all of them listed. But I hadn't bothered to pre-order these from them.. but maybe I should start as those last 2 released in october I still haven't been able to find. The dvd singles seem harder to find.


Postby Bunno Smurf » Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:05 am
I think HMV do too, that's where I've been getting my dvds from, they arrive really quickly as well.
OMG! :shock: I have never heard of them and just had a look. Theres NO WAY I would get the singles from them! They have them listed at $20.99 each. They have the Dancing Shoes one in Coles for $4.95 and on www.ezydvd.com.au they are listed for $4.95 too. They ship internationally too.

Smurf search on ezydvd: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/mech/quicksear ... le&q=smurf
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby bradley » Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:12 am
I think HMV do too, that's where I've been getting my dvds from, they arrive really quickly as well.
OMG! :shock: I have never heard of them and just had a look. Theres NO WAY I would get the singles from them! They have them listed at $20.99 each. They have the Dancing Shoes one in Coles for $4.95 and on www.ezydvd.com.au they are listed for $4.95 too. They ship internationally too.

Smurf search on ezydvd: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/mech/quicksear ... le&q=smurf
20.99 for a dvd single?? really. That seems an insane price. Maybe that is wrong? Then how much do they sell the volumes for then..


Postby Bunno Smurf » Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:18 am
The vol 1-5 are $17.99 and the newer ones are $20.99. I know what you mean......it just can't be right but ALL of the singles are listed at that price!

Check out the link: http://www.hmv.com.au/search/search.asp ... =22&I1.y=9
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby bradley » Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:40 am
The vol 1-5 are $17.99 and the newer ones are $20.99. I know what you mean......it just can't be right but ALL of the singles are listed at that price!

Check out the link: http://www.hmv.com.au/search/search.asp ... =22&I1.y=9
ahh, I see. I don't know why they'd sell these 1 ep dvds at that price, same price as a full volume of eps. Wonder if that is a mistake or there is a reason behind that.

I see they have vol8 listed too. Still March release.
Hope that release is moved forward.


Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:51 am
HMV is alot more expensive to buy from than other stores like Kmart & Target....I think HMV is $6 dearer for each one of the full length DVDs which adds up when you are buying a few of them.

Postby bradley » Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:31 am
Ezydvd have updated their info on Volume 8! No cover art though.
Volume 8 will contain 7!! Episodes all selected from Season Two.

-Volume Eight
S2-46. Revenge Of The Smurfs
S2-49. It Came From Outer Smurf
S2-51. Squeaky
S2-61. The A-Maze-Ing Smurfs
S2-64. One Good Smurf Deserves Another
S2-66. The Last Laugh
S2-81. A Mere Truffle

I went to pre-order the volume the other day but then realised the expire on my card was next month. So I'll have to wait until I'm issued a new card.

And just an update on the dvds. We still don't know what episodes will be on volume 9. But Volumes 10, 11 and 12 are said to contain these episodes:

-Volume Nine (Unknown)

-Volume Ten
S2-79-Smurf Me No Flowers
S2-52-The Kaplowey Scroll
S2-63-Smurfs At Sea
S2-83-The Box Of Dirty Tricks
S2-78-Sleepwalking Smurfs
S2-72-The Littlest Giant

-Volume Eleven
S2-85. All's Smurfy That End's Smurfy
S2-41. The Adventures Of Robin Smurf
Special02 - My Smurfy Valentine
Special03 - The Smurfs' Christmas Special

-Volume Twelve
S3-125. April Smurf Day
S3-126. The Magic Stick
S3-97. Born Rotten
S3-88. The Smurf Fire Brigade
S3-90. Every Picture Smurfs A Story
S3-89. The Winged Wizard
S3-91. The First Telesmurf

Has anyone seen the smurfs in the Dick Smith Electronics ad?? In the ad with the boy I think with the telescope, there is a line up of old smurfs behind him. The ad is about the people they employ, kids of the 80s.. I'm not sure. I hadn't taken too much notice until I saw the smurfs in the ad. keep a look out for it.


Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:25 am
I have the first 7 DVDs and I still haven't finished watching volume 1 yet.....is that a sin? :o

Postby eggie smurf » Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:31 am
.....is that a sin? :o
:dory: Staci :dory:
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