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Postby Guest » Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:19 am
Thanks Dyar, now i know what all the fuss is about ! cos this is a big thread ! :-D :beer:

Postby bradley » Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:57 am
Yep that's right, 7 volumes sofar. And as I found out they only have the rights to produce 12 volumes so they should hopefully renew the license to release more. I see the Atlantic dvd website have posted larger versions of the cover art for the up coming vols 6 and 7 (see below I have attached the covers for all 7 volumes)

From Brad.


Postby Guest » Sat Aug 06, 2005 2:19 am
Thanks Brad, those are great cover pictures ! :-D :beer:

Postby bradley » Sat Aug 06, 2005 2:37 am
Thanks Brad, those are great cover pictures ! :-D :beer:
Yeah, I love the covers. They all look great. Though vol 3's cover picture is wrong as the baby smurf episode was gargamel. I also see with the next two volumes 6 and 7 will be the first dvds to have the new classification labels. A lot of people in Australia (that I have read) don't like these labels. I guess they are quite large, coloured and hideous. But suite the smurf dvd covers.


Postby Guest » Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:04 am
I love that last cover especially, thanks for showing us those Brad. :D

Postby bradley » Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:23 am
Has everyone seen the Magna Pacific website for the smurfs?
Called the Magna TreeHouse. It has bios on the smurfs, an episode guide of the episodes on dvd (not updated) and downloads such as a word find and colour-in picture. Here is the link:

http://www.magnatreehouse.com.au/index. ... opertyID=6

Postby Rachel » Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:43 pm
Hi Brad, Thanks for posting the covers of the DVDs, they look fab. :D

Sorry but I had to remove the graphics you had posted for two reasons, firstly you were hotlinking the graphics which isn't a very good idea I am afraid but also the smurf clipart is in breach of copyright and I certainly don't want IMPS complaining about the forum. I have been personally asked in the past to stop using one of the particular pics you showed. I totally agree that they look great but it is an issue that has caused problems in the past. It looks like a nice site that you have linked to but don't be too suprised if they themselves get into trouble with IMPS in the future. :-?

Sorry about that.
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Postby eggie smurf » Mon Aug 08, 2005 2:57 pm
Hi Rach! I can still see the covers? Or were there other images that were removed and the covers are ok? Just want to make sure you got everything off that is copyrighted. I don't want this website to get into trouble either :D
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Rachel » Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:00 pm
Hi Stace, no I think the covers are fine. Brad had posted some clipart of smurfs that I know are copyrighted and IMPS don't like them being used on the net.

All fine now I think. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby bradley » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:04 am
Sorry. I didn't realise that I shouldn't of posted those gifs.
That website have the licence to use them I would think. They are the dvd company who are producing the smurf dvds. Sorry anyway. :(

From Brad

Postby Rachel » Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:37 pm
No worries Brad, Thanks for understanding. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby bradley » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:43 am
Hello! Volumes 6 and 7 are now out. A little earlier than the release date of next week. I spotted the two volumes in Kmart today while looking for the next two smurf dvd singles. Kmart didn't have any of the smurf single ep dvds. So I went to the warehouse (where they were advertised in the catalogue) and they had a few. Only 2 of the Brainy Smurf "Magnifying Mixture" and 1 of the Gargamel "Sorcerer Smurf". So I grabbed one of each to finish the set of 4. So the 3rd and 4th Smurf DVD singles are out!
And they have actually changed the packaging slightly. They have used different smurf pictures of Brainy and Gargamel on these dvds from what was pictured on the back of the first 2. Plus the first two dvd singles pictured on the back of the new ones have different Papa and Smurfette pictures too. Not sure if they have re-released those two with different packaging. They didn't have those two there on the counter. Also the top of the packaging is different. Smaller logo in top right corner and smurf image is centred.

And my volumes 6 and 7 arrived a couple of hrs ago!!
A large truck pulled up outside and I wondered what was going on and it was my dvds from magna! Had to sign for them (magna must use a delivery service).

So I will be having a happy weekend of smurf watching!

From Brad

Postby bradley » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:59 am
hey again. Just got a little shock when visiting Ezydvd.com.au
They have listed 2 New DVD Singles for the smurfs. These are for release on September 21st. And the two episodes are episodes that have not yet been released onto a dvd volume. And I'm quite shocked because one of these episodes is from Season Three! Talk about jumping.

Smurfs - The Adventures Of Robin Smurf (Season Two, ep 41)
Smurfs - Every Picture Smurfs A Story (Season Three, ep 90)

So I would asume that the next two volumes that are scheduled for October will contain these episodes. Quite a quick jump into season three with episode 90 when we have only just started on season two episodes on volume 7.


Postby attombomb7 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:36 am

thanks for all the good info, and it is odd that they would skip over

some seasons??
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby SA Smurfette » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:40 am
And my volumes 6 and 7 arrived a couple of hrs ago!!
A large truck pulled up outside and I wondered what was going on and it was my dvds from magna! Had to sign for them (magna must use a delivery service).

From Brad
WOW a truck to deliver 2 DVD's :) :) You must be special Brad :-D

Mine arrived yesterday but i won't get to see them till next week as i'm giving them to my daughter for her birthday.


Postby bradley » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:45 am

thanks for all the good info, and it is odd that they would skip over

some seasons??
Yeah. It is quite disappointing. Vol 6 and 7 have just hit season two episodes yet a dvd single being released at the end of next month will be a season three episode (and both eps will be out before they've been placed onto a volume). We will have to wait and see what episodes vols 8 and 9 will contain in the next release in October. I can't believe they'd jump so far into season three. But like Liam (from Magna Pacific) said IMPS set the episodes. So there is nothing that can be done about the episode skipping. Wouldn't surprise me now if by vol12 they are dishing out final season episodes. I wonder if they'd mix up episodes with an american release. Are there many americans or people in the uk importing our releases if you have a multi region player??
And my volumes 6 and 7 arrived a couple of hrs ago!!
A large truck pulled up outside and I wondered what was going on and it was my dvds from magna! Had to sign for them (magna must use a delivery service).

From Brad
WOW a truck to deliver 2 DVD's :) :) You must be special Brad :-D

Mine arrived yesterday but i won't get to see them till next week as i'm giving them to my daughter for her birthday.

Yes a delivery truck. And here I was thinking, the postman has already been and I'd have to wait till Monday for the dvds. And I didn't know if they had sent them yet. So I heard a truck pull up outside and I was trying to see outside the window (pushing my face against the glass) and saw that the truck was right outside the house. I was trying to read the writing on the truck when a guy stepped onto the porch and I jumped back. lol

Great to hear you got your copies. Hope you and your daughter enjoy watching them. I sat and watched volume 6 today and I really enjoyed these episodes. Especially the Spring Time Special!


Postby bradley » Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:35 am
I've watched volume 7 now.
Who else has watched these two new volumes?

Volume 7 introduced some smurfs that I had actually never heard of before. And these smurfs, you would just absolutely hate to be them. lol

Scaredy Smurf
Pushover Smurf
Sloppy Smurf (looks like Homeless Smurf to me lol)

Some nice episodes on volume 7 too.
All of which I don't recall ever seeing so that was good.
How was Gargamels song and dance number lol.
It was quite a cringe worthy moment that hehe.
I think that was in "The Blue Plauge".


Postby bradley » Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:34 am
Hello. The Smurf Volumes 10, 11 and 12 have been added to the Classification website. They state the episodes, which will be on these 3 DVDs. These are the final 3 smurf DVDs that Magna have the rights to produce, so hopefully they will renew for more. Although it will still have to be confirmed if these are the right episodes listed due to the error with the classification site on the last 3. But these seem to look correct to me. No release date on these 3 yet. But I think maybe we will get 10 and 11 in December. Vol11 includes the Christmas special. These episodes are from seasons two and three and continue to be out of order.

-Volume Ten
79-Smurf Me No Flowers
52-The Kaplowey Scroll
63-Smurfs At Sea
83-The Box Of Dirty Tricks
78-Sleepwalking Smurfs
72-The Littlest Giant

-Volume Eleven
85. All's Smurfy That End's Smurfy
41. The Adventures Of Robin Smurf
Special - My Smurfy Valentine
Special - The Smurfs Christmas Special

-Volume Twelve
125. April Smurf Day
126. The Magic Stick
97. Born Rotten
88. The Smurf Fire Brigade
90. Every Picture Smurfs A Story
89. The Winged Wizard
91. The First Telesmurf

We haven't seen the episode titles for the next two volumes which are 8 and 9 to be released in October yet. Notice that the next two DVD singles (out end of September), the episodes are supposed to be on vol11 "The Adventures Of Robin Smurf" and vol12 "Every Picture Smurfs A Story". So these two will be out before they are released onto a volume.

-Just a quick mention to an ep on volume 7. Not sure what episode it was but we get to see what is under a smurfs hat! ha! Greedy smurf removes his hat in one of the episodes. I never remember seeing a smurf without a hat. But as you would predict, smurfs are bald. Quite a funny sight. I know one episode Papa took his hat off but he had a white hat underneath.

Okay, Seeya
From Brad

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:58 am
I've seen the one where Greedy takes off his hat Brad....and it's not a good look either.....it gave me nightmares for a few weeks after it.

Smurfs just don't look right without something on their head.


Postby bradley » Sat Aug 27, 2005 1:36 am
I've seen the one where Greedy takes off his hat Brad....and it's not a good look either.....it gave me nightmares for a few weeks after it.

Smurfs just don't look right without something on their head.

yes, a smurf does look weird without a hat.

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