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Postby bradley » Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:55 am
Well Vidz of Oz have updated with the list of episodes that Volume 7 will contain. Very disappointing. 5 episodes on Volume 7 and all are from the second season. There are still 8 episodes from season one that they have skipped. Missing-3,14,15,17,28,29,31,34.

-Volume Seven
44-Sister Smurf
40-The Smurf Who Couldn't Say No
55-Waste Not, Smurf Not
43-S-Shivering S-Smurf
65-The Blue Plauge


Postby SA Smurfette » Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:56 am
Oh no Brad , still no "the Smurfette " episode :yikes: :( :( :( :( :x

Better be on Volume 8 or 9 or there will be hell to pay :crazyangry:


Postby Bunno Smurf » Fri Jul 22, 2005 7:03 am
The Smurfette's dancing shoes episode is available on a little mini dvd at Target. A kid at school gave me the St Smurf and the Dragon one today and on the back it says collect the other 3 episodes and the smurfette was one, the sorcerer smurf and the magnifying mixture.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby eggie smurf » Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:39 am
Oh no Brad , still no "the Smurfette " episode :yikes: :( :( :( :( :x

Better be on Volume 8 or 9 or there will be hell to pay :crazyangry:

Uh oh, watch out for Rae! :) I was lucky enough to catch the smurfette episode while I was in St. Louis last month...that is one of my favorites as well :D
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby SA Smurfette » Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:27 pm
Uh oh, watch out for Rae! :) I was lucky enough to catch the smurfette episode while I was in St. Louis last month...that is one of my favorites as well :D
I'm OK Staci :-D I'm just suprised they haven't put this episode on DVD yet. I think it's a pretty important episode to have :eek:

I have "The Smurfette " comic book and had it when i was younger and loved that story 8) I've never seen the episode though. :(

Maybe i should get Brad to ring them and demand it's on the next DVD :D Good on you Brad .... :) :)


Postby bradley » Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:40 am
That is also an episode that I am really looking forward to watching.
I have see it once way back but can't remember too much about it.
And I agree, this episode is quite an important episode. That was the real disappointment with finding out the episodes for these two. Means we have to wait for the next two.

Raelene, I'll do the next best thing and email them. If that doesn't work then I will phone. I sent an email and got a reply a few months back when I asked when we would see our next smurf release. We are at least getting 8, 9 and 10 before the end of the year from memory. I'll send an email to magna and ask about the episodes that have been skipped. Over at the Classification website they have vols 6 and 7 classified but the episodes that they state are on them are wrong. Half were episodes already out on dvd. I think 'the smurfette' was one of the ones classified but is not on these volumes.

Bunno Smurf, the mini dvds for the smurfs are one episode and only 2 of them have been released sofar. The smurfette dancing shoes and St Dragon episode. The other two are not out yet so don't worry yourself by rushing around trying to find them.


Postby SA Smurfette » Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:03 am

Raelene, I'll do the next best thing and email them. If that doesn't work then I will phone.

YAY ...way to go Brad :champ: :clap:

Let them know there will be some very unhappy smurfers if they don't include "The Smurfette " episode soon :x :)


Postby bradley » Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:47 pm

Raelene, I'll do the next best thing and email them. If that doesn't work then I will phone.

YAY ...way to go Brad :champ: :clap:

Let them know there will be some very unhappy smurfers if they don't include "The Smurfette " episode soon :x :)

I sent an email yesterday so will see if they reply. They replied to me last time so will wait. They'll get a phone call if I don't hear back! I'll let you know what they say.


Postby bradley » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:46 am
I received a reply today. And it comes down to the licensing. I'm sure someone over at Petes Mushroomvillage forum posted about the licensing for these dvds. I'll have to check that. Anyway, here is what they said:

"You hit the nail on the head when you were wondering if it was a licensing issue. The Smurfs DVDs we release have their episodes set by Peyo, the company who owns the international rights to Smurfs. I understand if you find it confusing, I also find it quite confusing when developing the products.

As for the episode you mentioned, this doesn't seem to be on our release plans but I will update you if this changes.

Thanks for your patience and understanding."

So I guess 'the smurfette' will not be featured on any release any time soon. The last email I got told that we were getting vol 6 and 7 in August, 8 and 9 in October and 10, 11 and 12 are still yet to be scheduled.

Episode three 'vanity fare' hasn't made it to dvd.... 7 volumes later and still no sign. So it is disappointing. The smurfette episode may take as long as that too, and probably longer. But just a guess. I hope not though. But like I said the classification website has vols 1, 2, 3 classified right, they haven't got 4 or 5 listed. But then they have 6, 7, 8, 9 listed but with wrong episodes. Episodes that aren't on vol 6 and 7. Episodes that have already previously been released, and some that haven't. And vol7 has the smurfette listed as classified. So maybe the episode will be coming up soon?? Will have to wait until october to see what episodes we get next.


Postby SA Smurfette » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:20 am
Thanks for going to the trouble of contacting them for me Brad :D

I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what comes out :???:

At least they are putting out DVD's so i shouldn't complain 8)


Postby bradley » Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:03 am
I sent a reply back and received another email from Liam. He is the Product Development Coordinator. I brought to his attention the classification website that have the vols listed wrong. Here is the email:

"The OLFC confusion was well spotted. When I first submitted these to
OLFC I submitted the wrong synopses because I too was under the belief
that the episodes were in order. I have informed the OLFC of my

However the good news is that we have acquired the rights to the first
12 volumes of Smurfs under a trial basis. Due to strong sales it would
seem likely that we may acquire the rights to more episodes in the
future. Fingers crossed that one of those is "Ep 31 The Smurfette".

Thanks for your patience and the heads up about Region 4 being the only
Region with The Smurfs. If you have any suggestions on how we could
improve The Smurfs please let me know."

So if anyone has any suggestions that you can think of, quickly let me know and I'll pass them on in an email tomorrow. Only 12 volumes they've acquired a license for. So they should hopefully renew it for more. The smurfs on dvd have been a very popular selling title.

From Brad.

Postby SA Smurfette » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:51 am

So if anyone has any suggestions that you can think of, quickly let me know and I'll pass them on in an email tomorrow.
From Brad.
Just tell them to keep them coming Brad :D I want every episode made :) :) So i guess that will be a lot of DVD's :shock:

I'll keep buying them 8)


Postby bradley » Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:36 am

So if anyone has any suggestions that you can think of, quickly let me know and I'll pass them on in an email tomorrow.
From Brad.
Just tell them to keep them coming Brad :D I want every episode made :) :) So i guess that will be a lot of DVD's :shock:

I'll keep buying them 8)

Will do!
I have no problems with the dvds. I know I've read from people who having been impressed. But we are just very lucky to be getting them and being able to watch the show that we haven't seen since the early 90s. So it really is great. I don't need special features or the picture/sound quality enhanced. I don't really mind. And yeah, I'll continue to buy them as well.


Postby bradley » Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:15 am
Hey!! I'm very happy and excited because I received an email from Magna Pacific (Product Development Coordinator, Liam) and they'd like to thank me for helping them and providing feedback on the smurf releases. They are sending me the next two smurf volumes 6 and 7!! How generous. I'm very happy!! I sent in some suggestions a week ago. I think the suggestions that I made were smurf profiles on the dvds. It would at least be something that they could do as an extra. I said that there wouldn't have been any extra features made for an 80s cartoon series. I also made comment on a box set and said if they were to ever put together one they should make sure they have a full season of episodes and to place them in the right order. And really I just praised them on the the dvds and said that they are great the way they are and that we are very lucky. And to keep them coming!

So I might get these dvds in the post next week.
I've just cancelled my pre-orders from ezydvd.

Lucky me!

From Brad

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:22 am
That is awesome Brad......really well done :D How nice of them to do this for you too.....geez,I may haveto contact them and say what a grand job they are doing too....lol

Really happy for you though...you deserve it for all of the promoting you have done for them on the forums.


Postby SA Smurfette » Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:13 am
Excellent Brad :D Wow, thats saves you $30 or $40 dollars this month.
It is very nice of them to do that for you. 8)

Thanks for taking the time to email them to find out some info and giving them feedback on the DVD's :cheers:


Postby bradley » Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:46 am
I should email them every month if they are giving free copies away for feedback. :) And yes it will save me 40 dollars this month. I always pre-order from ezydvd and pay full price. So I'm very happy. Can't wait to watch the dvds when they arrive!


Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:55 am
Did you tell them you had a friend in Sydney Brad?.....he would love to see volumes 4 and up

:o owww

awright....who did that?......Karen, Stace......I know one of you did it.....I know it wouldn't be SJ......there's no boot outline below the belt.


Postby Guest » Fri Aug 05, 2005 6:17 am
Can anyone possibly tell me how many volumes/episodes there actually are of these DVD's, it sound's like a lot ? :-D :beer:

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:17 am
I think there is 7 now Graham.....I have the first 3 but I haven't got off my butt to go and get volumes 4 & 5, and now they are releasing volumes 6 & 7.....timeto get moving I think.

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