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Postby SuperJen » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:19 pm
I've got someone to send me these pics of the praying smurfs they're selling on Ebay.
I cant afford them really but you never know :) but I can't decide if they're real or fake? They kinda look a bit of both, but now my eyes are fuzzy from staring to close at the computer :)
What do you think?

http://mail.google.com/mail/?view=att&d ... da325b6a06

http://mail.google.com/mail/?view=att&d ... c65a36a597
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:30 pm
Those links takes you to a Google page SJ.....would love to see the pics even if you email them to me...I could put them up for you if they aren't behaving properly......although after my recent effort maybe I shouldn't be so confident...lol


(Hopeless Pic Hero)

Postby SuperJen » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:35 pm
Ow :dancing: thanks for letting me know HPH. I'll try again :banghead: :banghead:
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:37 pm
No :dancing: worries SJ :D

Postby SuperJen » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:40 pm
Ok this should work......


Nice toaster :) :)
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:48 pm

I am almost certain that these are authentic Praying Smurfs.....at least I am pretty sure the Smurfette is and I am guessing that the red Praying one would be as well.....does anyone disagree?

It took a while to tell because the pics are quite small.....but I think the 2nd pic gave me the clue by the seam line on the arm which is a trait of the authentic one.

A good angle would be directly front on and also a direct side on pic.


Postby SuperJen » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:59 pm
I think I was posting the last few photos while you were posting your reply.
Did you see those ones?
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:18 pm
I think I was posting the last few photos while you were posting your reply.
Did you see those ones?
No I didn't SJ....after having another look I think the red Praying Smurf concerns me a little....I have a feeling it could be a fake :-? .....it's always hard to tell with that one because of the red colour....but I think the pink Smurfette should be real but I just can't be too sure about the red one.


Postby SuperJen » Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:07 pm
Yeah that's why I was confused. The look real until you see the seem on the red papa.

Maybe I'll make myself believe that they're fake cause I can't really afford them :idea: :(
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:33 pm
If it's any consolation SJ...I think I have worked out that it's a real toaster in the background of some of those pics.

Postby SuperJen » Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:34 pm
If it's any consolation SJ...I think I have worked out that it's a real toaster in the background of some of those pics.
I emailed him to see if he would sell it but cause it's real, he wants to keep it :(
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:03 pm
I think he's trying to trick the bidders by doing this.....I was thinking about bidding on the Praying Smurfs but then it occured to me that the toaster may not be included.....some sellers do this. I remember one time there was a Clown auction for 1 euro 'Buy It Now' with a 2 storey house in the background....I at first thought bargain but I think the postage for the house would of been enormous so I let it go. Besides I couldn't tell if the house was fully furnished or not and either way even if it was that would of considerably added to the weight of the package.


Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:27 am
Hi Jen, im thinking the same as Dyar. The praying smurf looks fake to me too. Ive got our out to compare, we have two real smurfs, but no fake, but two real smurfette and a fake smurfette. The real ones should have broad beautiful faces, the line down there face should not obviously be noticeable and the feet, the writing should be legible. On our fake one its hard to read. The last thing to look out for is an injection mold marking. The smurfette in your picture does look as if it has one. I would ask if they can send you even closer more detailed picures of there feet. It may be helpfull. :D Ps if ever anyone comes across a fake praying smurf let me know as id love to buy one just for reference :D Lucie

Postby SuperJen » Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:39 am
Thanks Lucie, yeah I'm kinda thinking I'll leave it as it's too hard to tell 100% if they're real or not and I don't want to take the risk.
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby SuperJen » Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:37 am
Just wanted to let you know the bidding has ended for this BIN auction and it didn't sell at Euro 180 for both.
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby SuperJen » Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:45 am
Oh my, it was pounds :shock: I was going to post this earlier but I forgot

http://cgi.ebay.nl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie ... B:AAQ:NL:1

He's selling a few other smurfs but I can't remember what they are now :-?
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby hfos » Mon Jun 27, 2005 8:47 am
Oh, I've bought from this seller sometime in the last couple of months. He/they are also active at another site called 'Marktplaats' ('Marketplace') which is owned by eBay these days. They sell plenty of smurfs through there, too.

Postby SuperJen » Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:01 pm
So they sell fakes and reals then? Reals is not a word but you know what I mean :)
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you
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