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Postby Guest » Sun Jun 19, 2005 3:37 am
One thread we lost was the one about Smurfs on TV. If anyone can remember what TV programs we mentioned smurfs were on please please would you mind reposting them?

The ones I mentioned were Little Britain and Comic Relief. I want to write an article about these so would be grateful for any reminders of which ones they were. :(

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:27 am
I think there was a mention in the Scooby Doo movie....possibly even Dogma.

Someone mentioned the smurf cartoon appeared in Back to the Future 2.

Postby Bunno Smurf » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:25 am
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Rachel » Sun Jun 19, 2005 12:27 pm
I think I said

Donni Darko (film)
Family Guy

Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby bradley » Sun Jun 19, 2005 11:29 pm
I mentioned The Simpsons Treehouse Horror episode.


Postby smurfcrazie » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:36 pm
It might have been mentioned before but if not, a show called Family Guy had a lil "mock" of the Smurfs on it.

Smurfy things come in small packages

Postby downundergal » Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:31 am
Hi guys :D

Just found out today that the smurfs are on foxtel, on the boomerang channel 9am AEST!!! monday to friday :-D :-D :-D


Leanne :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:03 am
You're right Leanne....Mrs Dyar thinks its funny cos I will be half way through a conversation with her or Jack and will realise the smurfs are on and suddenly run to the tv......Jack normally joins me. I had never seen the seasons with Grandpa, Sassette, Smoogle etc before the recent ones that they have aired.


Postby downundergal » Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:17 am
Haha Dyar :D

When we upgraded to fox digital a while ago I saw a flier with kids channels & pics of the smurfs on boomerang, couldnt see them listed in the guide at the time & didnt realise they were back on till this morning when my darling 5yr old daughter came screaming in to my room sideways, quite beside herself squealing that the smurfs were on tv!!!! :lol2: (who needs an alarm clock really when you have kids :) :) :) )


Leanne :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:35 am
who needs an alarm clock really when you have kids :) :) :) )
Oh geez....isn't that the truth......I no longer get my face used as a road when I'm asleep....but it used to be.....and the 4WD that was running my face over had wheels like sandpaper too. :x

Postby downundergal » Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:42 am
LMAO :haha:

What??? No longer??? . . . DAMN your missing out then lol, I still get that :) :) :)


Leanne :D

Postby smurfcrazie » Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:52 pm
Also here in Manitoba Canada The Smurfs are on a channel called Fox/KNRR at 6:30am Mon-Wed.

Smurfy things come in small packages

Postby eggie smurf » Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:57 pm
They are on in the St. Louis, MO area too -- on Fox Buffalo or something. I was only there for 2 days so I don't know which channel exactly :)
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby kira1970_ » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:49 pm
Last night whilst watching Big Brother Uplate, the host Mike Goldman was talking to a winner of a competition they run during the show. The winner was talking about visiting the house last year and that she said that the house was so small. Mike then said " yes I am actually only 3 foot tall. I am a smurf".


Postby eggie smurf » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:55 pm
I was watching "Summer Rental" last weekend and in one scene, there is a nasty dirty guy watching The Smurfs on tv and he kept telling people to bug off because he was watching The Smurfs :sofunny:
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Smurf1303 » Sat Jul 09, 2005 7:47 am
2 Simpsons episodees I know of

Simpsons Roasting round an open fire (1st episode) when Bart says something like "if cartoon have taught be ntohing it's that you always get a happy ending at Christmas " and one of the cartoons he lists in the smurfs

also in one of the tree house of horror episodes when comic book guy kidnaps zena he says "names you may call me on our wedding night...papa smurf" (forget what other names were)

Never felt quite the same way about papa since...
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