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Postby Fram » Wed May 04, 2005 8:01 am

apart from getting some sleep, you will have to make some decisions. I'm not a great customer of yours, so perhaps I have no right to speak, but if I were in your shoes, this it what I would do:
1. Get rid of the ranges that don't sell well and/or don't interest you that much (Snoopy, Marsupilami, whatever, that's your call). Be more focused on your specialities until you have the possibility of spending more time on the shop or getting any help (and I know both those chances are very slim).
2. Lots of your time go in the paperwork, the shipping and handling, ... : if someone only buys one normal smurf, the effort isn't worth the (direct) result. It's good to have a good reputation and the customer is king, but you have to set some limits. You could put a minimum price for every buy, or raise the shipping / handling cost when someone stays below a certain amount. That way, you will probably lose some customers or transactions, but those that are left will be more worthwhile (financially).

Just my $0.02
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Guest » Wed May 04, 2005 9:06 am
Yes I think the handling is a big problem for me. Especially when 4% is lost in paypal/worldpay charges. When you take into account the time ordering smurfs in to sell and checking them for rubs (many people say they sell only mint condition smurfs and this is absolutely not true), the fact that I really try to check the smurfs for rubs really goes against me financially, because I spend so much time doing it.

The first thing I am going to do is make a list of my smurfs I wouldn't classify as mint and offer them to forum members at cheap prices. I need to get rid of some stock so I know what I am doing.

Postby Smurfy Paul » Wed May 04, 2005 10:16 am
Karen, please don't do it. From the sounds of things - everyone loves you dearly - as do I.
You are amazing at your job and you're a fabulous human being. The reason why you're stressed is because you're conscientious. And that's not a bad thing. Sometimes i feel exactly the same way. We do things out of love, but really have to consider keeping the roof over our heads, and making time for family and friends.
Maybe you should cut down on the lines that don't sell as much. I had to cut down on directing, because it took me away from home too much. Not seeing the pugs and my Robdob made me sad. I made other people happy, but not the right people.
I hope it's just a bad day because we wouldn't know what to do without you

Smurfy Paul xxx

Postby southernyacht » Wed May 04, 2005 3:02 pm

I know how frustrating it is when things & work just don't go right. My job is going pear shaped at the moment - but it's the great people I meet on here (and the little blue folks!) who help keep things sane.

Hope things get better for you :hug:

x :cat:

Postby XoioX2000 » Wed May 04, 2005 5:17 pm
Karen: don't give up!

I'm sure you will shift that stock!

Can you make a list of what you want to shift quickly? Can we try to help you shift it?


:dragon: I like the smell of Napalm, first thing in the morning...:dragon:
Check out The Dragon's Cave

Postby Guest » Thu May 05, 2005 6:35 am
Ok, I am packing my last parcel. NOBODY ORDER!!!!! :) :) :) :)

I should be careful what I wish for, shouldn't I?

Honestly I have been packing since first thing this morning and I am whacked. I am sending Smurfy Paul and Melchior's orders out today to get them out of the way as well.

Maybe I should do this.. :badpc:

My kids might get their dinner now, bless their little cotton socks, but if they mention daleks one more time then they may not. :) :)

Postby Fram » Thu May 05, 2005 6:46 am

I'm glad you can smile again, Karen. And it's (slightly) better to have too many orders than to have none at all!
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Budster » Thu May 05, 2005 10:37 am
I believe that I was the victim of shill bidding again by a "known" seller. Take a look at this link and see what you all think. Today I received an email from this seller wanting to sell me these Rugby smurfs as a "second chance" because for some unstated reason the sell did not go through. Look at the bidding history. I was skeptical even when I bidded, but just could not stop myself as I do want the rugbys. I was so happy when the private bid took back over the auction.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... %3AIT&rd=1

BTW I guess I do not know how to make this link active. I would appreciate help on that for next time.

This was probably a "no brainer" to avoid for most of you, but you know how us newbies can be!


Postby Budster » Thu May 05, 2005 10:39 am
Well I guess it made itself active. :!:

Postby Guest » Thu May 05, 2005 10:50 am
So you're not going for the 2nd chance offer then?

When someone makes an auction private it is very difficult to spot shill bidding. The best place to find Rugby players is UK ebay. Most overseas sellers are buying them on UK ebay anyway and then trying to resell them for a profit.

Postby Rachel » Thu May 05, 2005 11:07 am
Hi Budster, as Karen say, the best place for the rugby smurfs is the UK as this is where they were released. The ones in the auction aren't in very good condition so I personally wouldn't go for it but of course it is up to you.

When the rugby smurfs were first being found on Ebay they were often fetching prices of £150 ($300) upwards. They were very difficult to find elsewhere in the world and so the price guides show them with very high values. These days you should be able to pick the smurfs for under £50 each. It is even possible to find them in lots of other smurfs, just got to look for them. :D

Here is one that finished today and I forgot to bid!!! :banghead:

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... RK:MEWA:IT
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]
Postby hugofilia » Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:16 am
WOW Karen, just back off for 1-2 weeks, you will get back to normal.
I understand your situation , i was there too.
Me also have too many smurfs(1000sss) and not enough time and i am ...retired. Your health and family is more important than your smurfs. They will still be there in a couple of weeks, undammaged, your health might be damage for much longer.
It is good to succeed in life but MUCH MORE important to succeed in YOUR life.
When i , like you, victim of my success i back off for a short while and take a small trip..anywhere then i come back.
You are lucky in a sense to be in UK(europe) as the smurfs market is recovering faster than here where there is absolutly nothing about smurfs.
So you take it easy and as soon as you come back , you are in full speed again, NOT here, here it is like a steam boat, each time you stop it takes a long while to be back to full speed. It is probably why i have so many smurfs. Any one looking for a particular one?
WE NEED YOU , so be patient the joy of being with smurfs...and us will come back
Kind regards
John :D
I love to create situation with smurfs and change or add colors.

Postby SuperJen » Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:38 pm
Hey Karen,

I'm sorry to hear yoy are stressed out with your work and maybe life itself :hug:. There's never enough time to do everything :banghead:
Abby has often told me that I should start a business exactly like yours because I love Smurfs so much. I had thought about it but felt there was enough people doing it already, and didn't want you to get angry with me :) maybe we could go into partnership :) Someone in the above posts, I think it was Fram, suggested a minimum order for buying from you and I agree totally. If there's one smurf you need there's usually a few. And getting rid of the ranges that don't sell well is a good idea as well. maybe if people want to go below the minimum order then you could make it a minimum freight thing instead :-? but something to help you out and make those small orders worthwhile. Running your own business is very rewarding but very hard and expensive. I'm just about to start a new one as the last one didn't work. Why are I just getting a job :banghead: :banghead:.

Oh and the other idea, go on a holiday :). I hope everything sorts itself out for you soon.
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Guest » Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:51 am
The first post on this thread was dated May 4th so it's nearly 2 months old now, sorry if that has confused people.

The funny thing is since I made that post Snoopy has started selling.

Starting a business like this one has to be your choice Jen, if you don't do it then someone else probably will anyway. I'm not going to say too much for or against because I don't want to influence your decision, but I certainly wouldn't be upset with you whatever you decide to do so don't worry. :D

Postby JT » Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:05 am
I know this is old post and you´re feeling beeter Karen. Still I´d like to say something.
Your reputation as a seller is absolutely magnificent as far as I know. It didn´t come for nothing, but you really shouldn´t take responsibility on manufacturers errors. I know many here don´t like this, but Smurfs are mass production toys and quality ain´t same as it used to be. You´re mostly selling new items and if I were you I´d sell them as they are (of course my reputation isn´t quite like yours :lol: ) and not to worry about minor faults.
I know that as a collector everyone would like to have mint smurfs all the time, but that ain´t possible (unless you have unlimited bank account) since we are talking about toys here.
You just burn yourself out checking and double checking every smurf you sell.
For instance what you did with F&F smurfs, was incredible, but if someone really wants one, I´m 100% sure they don´t mind tiny little rub on tail. That smurf is rare and people will pay great money for little worn one too. Remember that those were mostly unopened ones.
There is many many sellers who but same price tag on smurfs no matter if they´re worn or mint. I don´t say that is best way or honest way, but easier for sure.
My intention is not to criticise your way of doing business or nothing like that. I know you´re woman of honour and this won´t change your ways. I just think you´re seeing too much trouble to run your business, but then again I´m lazy one :)
I´ve done some business with you and always pointed out that figures you send to me don´t have to be mint ones and yet I haven´t get poor one from you :D
I hope you continue your business and I wish nothing but best for you.


Postby SuperJen » Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:15 am
Starting a business like this one has to be your choice Jen, if you don't do it then someone else probably will anyway. I'm not going to say too much for or against because I don't want to influence your decision, but I certainly wouldn't be upset with you whatever you decide to do so don't worry. :D
Thanks Karen. I would love to sell smurfs and be surrounded by them everyday and not be thinking 'I should be working', cause I would be :) but now I'm starting a business there's no way I'd have time for that. I'll just have to make myself stop coming on the forum 100 times a day cause then I wont make any money for more smurfs :(
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Guest » Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:23 am
Hi Janne

What you are saying is 100% correct, I know my perfectionist side is my downfall. I think what really got to me was when two forum members queried the quality of my smurfs, one person even complained about a factory mint new Smurf and another person just generally didn't think my standards were high enough. I know you can't please all of the people all of the time but when you are doing your best it is a bit of a kick in the teeth. Anyway, I have adopted a harder attitude now, it's a shame a few moaning minnies have to try and bring you down, but that's life I guess. I just think about all the nice people now and like I say, I have toughened up. :D

Postby JT » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:17 am
one person even complained about a factory mint new Smurf and another person just generally didn't think my standards were high enough.
Really :shock:
And they´re members of this forum. Well, when it comes to collecting antique items such as smurfs, I can understand it.


Postby Guest » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:47 am

Postby Smurf1303 » Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:24 pm

Whilst I shall just be reiterating & the thread started couple of months ago, I'd also like to say how much I appreciate you offering reasonably priced smurfs in the UK, and what a pleasure you are to buy from. Although I'd be sorry if you stopped, "real life" must come first.

As far as people's querying the mintness, well that's going to happen to everyone no matter how thorough you are & I think the rest of the posts show that most people here are really happy with your service.

As someone who buys smurfs as regularly as salary will allow from you, would be fine with there being a minimum order value btw.

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