That's ok doesn't really bother me but it has affected my Postman......even the new one that replaced that guy after that day.....I think the old guy must of retired or something.....maybe he was stressed
he seemed alright before that day when I tried to take him and the box together. The new guy is a bit wary of me too and when he sees me coming he just places the box on the front fence and runs back to his van.....I'm not that scary am I?
Nice to see you have the rarest Bricklayer variation with the blue overalls and the brown bricks. I just recently bought this one but it took me a while to find because every blue overalls Bricklayer seemed to have the red bricks which appears to be more common. I think you will have the biggest collection here soon at your reassures the rest of us that we are not crazy.....well not at this forum anyway....outside of here is a bit more debatable.
PS - I still think of Rach everytime I see a Viking....I guess I got so used to your previous avatar.