Unfortunately, no smurfs were found this week at the Flea. I did however buy a nice bag of apples!!
Hopefully next week will be more fruitful when looking for smurfs.
OMG, I didn't see the connection with the apples and the smurfs until Rachel pointed it out. I used to (still do at times) dream about finding smurfs at the Flea and at Yard Sales and such but buying the bag of apples in place of the smurfs is just way too weird....
Better luck next week Tam.....it seems you are having better luck every second week so maybe this weekend coming up will be more 3 apple highish.
PS - Pink Lady Apples....what the...? They sound a bit seedy to me or maybe rotten to the core. I like Delicious Apples the best because they are.....well er....delicious......also Granny Smith apples aren't bad either.
I used to have a dream of finding a box of rugby smurfs.........
Never happened yet though, so I suppose I will have to keep dreaming. I did dream a couple of nights ago about finding one of those fake oboe smurfs with the snake around it.
I did my weekly flea market trip today and I found a Smurtacular Smurf lunchbox and thermos.I paid $3.00 canadian for it.It is in great shape,with no stains or funny smells.
I am almost tempted to use it for work on monday.
I cant wait til next saturday to go backto see if there is more.
I don't think I could take those items to work...i already get funny looks from the staff for the other smurfs that arrive at work...actually i get a lot of the rolling of eyes.....they just don't understand do they?
Wow, lucky you Sherry. Hopefully I will have some luck today. I used to have a smurf pencil holder on my desk but a coworker stated "Oh, they are migrating to work now!" So I kicked the coworker in the shins and brought it home where it was appreciated.
Okay, so I didn't kick her but I spit in her coffee.
Okay, so I didn't spit in her coffee. I should have though!! :)
....that and you would both have to get your own coffee as there would be no trust in each other in the coffee department......"Karen, was that one or two lumps?"