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Postby Bunno Smurf » Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:27 am
Our Father Attom who art in SmurfHeaven,

I have to make amends for all the thread hijacking I have been doing in last few hours. Poor Tam's Weekly report has jumped to "the weirdest things on ebay" and so has clueless bidders.

Also I have not been searching ebay for smurfs (shock horror). I have been looking for the weirdest thing I can find.

:star: LINDA :star:

Postby eggie smurf » Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:03 am
Linda, you're a very naughty smurf - you had me looking at the totally bizarre section of ebay as well :) But you should be forgiven because those auctions get a hold of you and you have to keep reading :? so it's not your fault!
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Rachel » Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:13 am
How about a compromise.

Linda, for the next week you are only to look for totally wierd and bizarre SMURFS. You are to post them here because I am sure Father Attom would love the check them out and you may only check out the mystery envelope auction if you suspect there could be something smurfy in it. :o

Deal? :cheers:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Bunno Smurf » Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:26 pm

uh oh only weird and bizarre smurfs....that could be very time consuming!

I wonder how many Hail Peyos I have to say for dragging Staci into the gutter as well ;)

Hail Peyo, Full of ideas
The Smurfiness is with you
Blessed are you among Cartoonists.......
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Guest » Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:59 pm
I think you need to grovel more, Linda. :-D

Postby eggie smurf » Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:41 pm
Linda - I actually BOUGHT something off the totally bizarre area of ebay :shock: (but I'm not saying what it was :) )!!
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Bunno Smurf » Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:55 pm
ahahahahah :sofunny: , Staci.

I think that would have to be 50 Hail Peyos wouldn't it.

Now how does the rest of it go??

Hail Peyo, Full of ideas
The Smurfiness is with you
Blessed are you among Cartoonists
And blessed is the fruit of thy mind, Smurfs
Holy Peyo, Father of all things smurfy
Pray for us smurfers now and
at the hour of our ebay auctions closing

Edit: awwww come on Staci, you can tell me I promise I won't tell anyone.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby attombomb7 » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:22 pm
hmmmmm! Linda!

as I should think of a correct punishment for your smurfy behaviour!!:) I can only think that as you browse all those Ebay listings

you are going to have to find me the ugliest fake smurf! or!!! the weirdest smurf item on earth!

OR I may have to send Gargamel and his kat! to visit !!! you and get you to list one thousand "I must obey Father Attom and buy more smurfs!! on Papa smurfs' school chalk board!!
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby Bunno Smurf » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:38 pm
hey Attom,

Here's a fake for you:

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll ... 93149&rd=1

That might help keep that gargamel away too :)
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby eggie smurf » Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:56 pm
Oh that smurf in the second auction you listed was Ugly!! :)

And Linda, the item I bought really shouldn't have been in the bizarre category but it was and, well, I had to get one because like all those damn auctions, they convince you that you need what's in them!!

P.S. It's not the monopoly pig although I am still considering that one too :?
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Bunno Smurf » Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:11 pm
Yeah they are sure UGLY smurfs. Attom is vbound to like them. Mind you, this isn't helping to get my school work done.

heheh never mind Staci, I don't need to know now. I figured out what you bought! I have my ways muhahahahaha ;) and I wouldn't be telling what it is either LOL. Maybe I'll buy one too
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby SA Smurfette » Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:40 pm

heheh never mind Staci, I don't need to know now. I figured out what you bought! I have my ways muhahahahaha ;) and I wouldn't be telling what it is either LOL. Maybe I'll buy one too
It was'nt a piece of coral was it Staci :)


Postby Bunno Smurf » Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:34 am
lmao, Raelene.

I definitely don't need any coral.

I'm thinking of putting up an auction for "Linda's guide on How to Beat Buying Weird and Bizarre Stuff Addictions" Here's a taster for anyone who's interested:

Step 1: Well hello??? Haven't you learnt anything yet??? Isn't THIS a weird and bizarre thing to buy???
Step 2: Buy "Linda's guide on How to Beat Buying Weird and Bizarre Stuff Addictions II" Its bigger and brighter and has pictures.

:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:04 am
I wouldn't mind buying one of your books Linda as I need help as i keep buying stupid and useless things...maybe your book could teach me a few lessons.

I bought Stace a bicycle for Christmas but it was useless as it didn't fit into her fish tank....but she does has a nice bell now.


Postby Fram » Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:21 am
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby SA Smurfette » Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:58 am
:sofunny: :sofunny:

Great picture :D


Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:01 am
LMAO.....it was a little different to that Fram....but then again that picture is a little different to most things......I wonder if Stace would make a good motorbike......it could go up to fin gear and could even go through water....although I am sure she would be worried as to where the petrol would go.


Postby Bunno Smurf » Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:01 am
LMAO :sofunny:

Fram you are so scary! Where do you find this stuff???

DYAR: That'll be $29.95 and comes with a free Imaginary Friend and his invisible pet dog

:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Fram » Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:18 am
Google search for pictures: fish bike. Then take the funniest one you can find on the first page (or stop looking once you find one reasonably funny).

That will be $100 please!

(How to get rich with Google 101)
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:
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