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Postby Azrael » Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:48 am
Hi. Only just joing this forum so thought I could introduce myslef with a question sure to get everyone going;

Seeing as the new 2005 moulds look exactly the same as the previous one except, as Schleich says ; papas head turned a little to the right by 7 degrees (ok, so I exaggerate), what Smurfs would people love to see in 2006? Seeing as they seem to be 'reimagining' the classics, much like that guy 'reimagined' "The Italian Job".

Oh the pain.
www.britishcollectorsclub.com The Smurf Collectors Club

Postby Rachel » Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:07 am
Hi Azrael, welcome aboard. :welcome:

Great name, I will have to look into doing you an Azrael avatar. :D

Personally, I was a little disappointed by the "back to basics" 2005 smurfs, only because the last few years have had some fantastically detailed smurfs with really great paint jobs. On the other hand I know many smurf collectors have been wanting to get back to the original figures for a while now.

I would love to see an international theme one, maybe smurfs wearing national costumes, a Welsh costume smurfette would just be the best although saying that, the Welsh national costume these days seems to be a Welsh rugby top so maybe I have already had my wish. :lol:

Have you been collecting long?
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Tor » Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:59 am
Exept for Papa smurf I think that the 2005 smurfs was great.
In 2006 I hope to see a super smurf with a pram. :)

Postby Azrael » Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:15 am
3005?! Wow!

Anyway, hey Rachel. I've been collecting since I was three and my first ever Smurf was the one with the Burger, hence my Avatar, but an Azrael one would be great!!!

I teach English and Drama as well as do stand up comedy. How long you been collecting. I have some quite impressive pieces. You?

www.britishcollectorsclub.com The Smurf Collectors Club

Postby Guest » Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:54 am
Another teacher!!! We have so many teachers on this board, it's a good job they can't use the cane or the slipper anymore!

Welcome, Azrael! You're always welcome here as long as you leave the bad guy at home. :) :) :)

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:11 am
Another teacher!!! We have so many teachers on this board, it's a good job they can't use the cane or the slipper anymore!
....or (from experience) whatever is the closest thing :o

Hi Az

Welcome to the forum and it's nice to see another member join up here and come and chat to us all here.

Many different people here tend to specialise there collecting in different areas with Attom an expert in fakes, Lucie loves the dental smurfs especially the promos while her hubby Simon is always in the bad books for buying another Rugby smurf....Rachel and Sven love the Rugby smurfs as well. I love the variations and try to collect as many as possible and along with Attom I also love the raws. Stace love the Bully displays that you hang on the wall like the Trains and Mushrooms and also the Collector Centres. Karen likes the Trudi smurfs, Gerda likes everything and has got some great items non PVC as well as many great PVC smurfs. We all collect the main smurfs but we also shoot off in different directions such as Comics for Fram & JT who are quite knowledgable on such things. These are just some of the people here and what they like so I was wondering if you had a speciality that you love to collect as well?

Nice to meet you


Postby Azrael » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:09 am
wow guys, what a nice forum! All you people seem to have these smurf areas pretty covered so let me give you my little schlumpfe curriculum vitae.

I am a part time teacher but mainly get my income from stand up comedy. I have been collecting Smurfs since 1983 and now I'm 23 with over 4000 differnt pieces.

There are some things I am missing and, having gone to Uni and moving out I had to pack up all my Smurf Village and put it in the loft, where it now resides. Hey, don't worry tho cos the Smurfs still are all around my room, ones that I have bought since coming back from uni. I recently got the Fork lift and boat set.

I am missing some recent figurines, simply because at the mo they are very easy to get. Every time I have a bit of cash floating about I buy a few old ones I never got. My dream really is to have one of each piece, not too bothered about variations etc.

When I say 4000 pieces I am including in this puzzles, books, bags, perfume (erm, I mean body spray), collector displays (I have a lovely Olympic arena), original cell art from the TV series, t-shirts, clocks etc. My girlfriend recently purchased SOMEHOW the ENTIRE plastoy range, which she gives me once a month. I have seven of them so far (she got excited two weeks ago and gave me three.)

I hope to move into a new place soon, where I will build a new village. Unfortunatly, I'm not all that up on digital pictures yet, but I'll try to scan in soome pics of me when I had the collection in it's prime on display.

Oooh, finally it seems all my questions from the smurfs can be answered.
How long you guys been collecting. Any good stuff anyone has?

www.britishcollectorsclub.com The Smurf Collectors Club

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:58 am
Hi Az

I started on the 23rd October 2003 and I have lots of different smurfs although I don't have many of the expensive promos....or even the cheaper ones for that matter so I don't have many that a lot of people would call very special.

I know many others here do have some really nice smurfs and i would love to see some of your pics when you get a chance as it sounds like you have a real love of collecting these blue & white things and would have some really interesting items to share with us....we all love seeing pics of people's collections.

There are many people here who can also answer any question you have....unless it's a really hard one of course....but we would be willing to make up colourful answers if it made us look more intelligent as we like to make an effort in these matters.

Glad you made it here but you may never leave..lol


Postby TYK86 » Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:28 am
Hi Az welcome to the forum. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Cool name I really like Azrael cause he's a cat my fav. animal. :D :D

Wel I started in 1993 (my age then 7 years) when I was borred and then i found a smurf one let to another and so I started to collect them. I really like the comic the most but their aren't that many of them like (suske en wiske= bob and bobbete). :(


Postby Rachel » Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:18 am
Hi Azrael, another teacher, cool. :cool:

I am actually a music peri so I am not a "real" teacher :lol: although personally I would use electric cattle prods, not slippers, more of an effect. 8-) It's okay, I am only joking, I don't really get any probelms with any of my kids, at least not once they know my hobby.!

Sounds like you have a fantastic collection and to have (had) a smurf village................ :cloud9:

Do you have any pics of your old set up?

We will hopefully be moving house soon so I will eventually get the smurf room that I dream of. When I first started re-collecting (I originally started as a kid in the late 70's) all our smurfs were just displayed in the dinning room but they just got too many so hopefully I can set the little guys free again soon. You can see all of our stuff on our website - Blue Imps.

Ps. I have pm'd you with an avatar. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby DrunkSmurf » Wed Feb 16, 2005 7:58 pm
Hi Azrael,

Back on the topic of future smurfs,


I agree with Rachel--I'd like to see smurfs in ethnic garb (just, no more Tyrolese....). I'd really like to see Asian costumes (like the colorful Korean traditional gown), but ya know that won't happen...

I'm not franticly excited about the 2005 smurfs (still haven't arrived in the USA), but, if the trend continues for classic smurfs, I'm hoping they cover some of the other characters, who are common, but not so frequently-represented by past issues. Again, we'll never see it, but a dark-haired smurfette (from her origin story) would be fun.

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:02 pm
Aww...what's wrong with the Tyrolese smurfs.......they are nice smurfs to have around the village.....poor Tyrolese, I will make sure they don't read this thread.

Maybe we could see Linda's Aussie Santa in the future that would nice on the beach scene or a Kiwi smurf in gum boots doing a wheelbarrow race with a sheepish smurf or something like that.


Postby Guest » Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:33 am
Hmmm.. I'm not at all keen on those Tyrolese, they look a bit wimpy don't they? I guess they would rather have been McDonalds?

I feel I must warn you that I can feel a mad posting day coming on. It started the minute my fingers hit the keyboard this morning. I started reading words wrong already (yes one of those days) so don't say I didn't warn you! :shock:

I don't want to see any more sporty smurfs at the moment or any babies, I'm really not into babies (good job Stinky has now had the snip). By the way, Stinky is my husband (blame the name on the smurf he went hiking with last year, it's a long story and according to Hiker Smurf a smelly one).

I like Rachel's idea of national costumes, that would be really cool!

Or more of the different characters from the comics that we haven't seen yet, smurfette with black hair, etc.

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:26 am
That does it....I will not stand for anymore of this Tyrolese bashing....the next person who desmurfinates against my friend Tyro they will be severely fin slapped.


PS - Um Stace...if necessary, may I borrow your fins for a while?

PPS - Here's a pic of the look on Tyro's face when I told him about the harsh review he received here today....he would of heard it anyway on the pipeline.


Postby JT » Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:12 am
All of these aren´t smurfs, but I would like to see

Esmeralda (Pewit´s goat)
Sausage smurf
King with sword and helmet
Brainy prisoner
Angry Papa
Johan´s horse (can´t remember name)
all Colored smurfs from Magic egg-album

And that´s about it. All of those can be sent to me when they´re ready :)
I might have to wait until 3005 though :(


Postby Fram » Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:52 am
Janne, don't forget Fafnir and Homnibus, and Jungle brainy!

I would like some supers or buildings, but the chance for those is even smaller... The weather machine would be nice, or a stork with a few smurfs flying on him. Or the pot with Smurf soup!
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Azrael » Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:53 am
hey, I knew this topic was great. King Smurf would be great with helmet and sword, how about a little playest with the king smurf scarecrow?

What about a set of black/angry smurfs. Oh, or some new secret smurfs? You know, the guys in the capes? I think they need to go back to the traditional comic books. Man, those figures would sell likle hot cakes. Imagine a new astro?

Actually, I suppose hot cakes don't sell that fast if they're really hot. Wait for them to cool down a bit, then buy them.

Cheers for the avatar. Will use it def.

Oh, a little question then, to get everyone going. Can anyone name all the playsets, eg - #9 boat, #6 forklift etc. That would help me a lot.

www.britishcollectorsclub.com The Smurf Collectors Club

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:13 am
Here's all the playsets

1. Garden Accessories playset
2. Fence playset
3. Gate playset
4. Mushroom playset
5. Sail Boat playset
6. Petrol Station playset
7. Well playset
8. Snail & Cart playset
9. Forklift playset
10 Conveyor Belt playset

Then you have these ones

Smurfette's Bedroom
Gargamel's lab
Western playset
Astro playset
Drum playset
Playground playset
School playset
40th Anniversary Rock Band
Tree Swing
Large Tree Stump

Is that what you meant?


Postby Fram » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:24 am
I think you've forgotten the Western playset, and I wouldn't include the Smurf mobiel (it was promotional and isn't numbered by Schleich, I think; I don't veen know if it was made by Schleich).
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Guest » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:29 am
Buzzer noise - ahhh ahh
8. Snail & Cart playset
He ain't daft you know? :)
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