I don't have any smurf-a-grams except for one of the Schonwald ones, sorry. Daniel has a large collection of them so perhaps he would be interested in selling? He regularly mentions his auctions in "Smurfing Boot Sale".
I have about 6 of them but I sold my boxer double and have already traded my two spare "Get Well Soon" ones. If I get any more doubles I will let you know. I have 2 more arriving this week. I am unsure whether they are doubles or not. All of mine are in English so far.
I have 4 Smurfagrams doubles if anyone is interested. I would like to trade these for other Smurfagrams missing in my collection. I leave you a photo...
Maybe you can check out my wantlist page (with photos). There are many thinks that I might be interested, so take a look and let me know.... Her's the direct link: