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Postby pekkelien » Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:11 am
Are here people from belgium with paypal and so
how do you get paypal?

Postby Guest » Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:16 am
Yes you can get paypal. Go here


and click Sign up.

Postby Guest » Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:17 am
To see which countries have paypal click here

https://www.paypal.com/be/cgi-bin/websc ... es-outside

Postby Guest » Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:18 am
If you are selling and you want to receive money by paypal add 3.5% on at least for charges.


Postby pekkelien » Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:41 am
but what do i need to take if i need to transfer and recieve money which account personal bisness or something else
second question a creditcard is it also a card you get from your bank or is a creditcard ownly a visa or mister cash?
and last question
how do i pay to someone do i need to upload money
i do i pay by emailaddres or do i pay by creditcard
so can i have paypal if i dont have a creditcard?
if someone pays me is it then on my account and can i spend that amount back
i really dont have a clue about paypal
and i just done a super deal on usa and she ownly accepts paypal so i need to have it :)
i bought a real praying smurfette for 15 usa dollars :)
so i really really want him to fly to me :)

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:42 am
Hi Sven

I hope you do get Paypal as I would of bought off you in the past if I could of paid you via Paypal and you will also open your sales to a lot more people worldwide.

Good luck and congrats on the bargain Praying Smurfette :D


Postby Bunno Smurf » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:02 am
but what do i need to take if i need to transfer and recieve money which account personal bisness or something else
second question a creditcard is it also a card you get from your bank or is a creditcard ownly a visa or mister cash?
and last question
how do i pay to someone do i need to upload money
i do i pay by emailaddres or do i pay by creditcard
so can i have paypal if i dont have a creditcard?
if someone pays me is it then on my account and can i spend that amount back
i really dont have a clue about paypal
and i just done a super deal on usa and she ownly accepts paypal so i need to have it :)
i bought a real praying smurfette for 15 usa dollars :)
so i really really want him to fly to me :)
Hi Sven,
I am the same as Dyar. I would've bought some of your stuff if you had paypal. Its too expensive for us to direct deposit. I have a paypal account so I hope this answers your questions:

To pay someone you just have a credit card (A card which has Visa or Mastercard) linked to your paypal account and paypal takes the money from there and converts it to the currency in question. I know the US can have money taken out from their bank account but we can't in Australia. (I wouldn't know about Belgium) We can have the money added into our bank account though. there is a small fee for this however.

Once someone pays money into your paypal account you can then spend the the balance to pay for items without using the credit card. If the amount is over the balance paypal will take the extra from your credit card.

In Australia we can only make payments if we have a credit card or if there is a balance in our account.

If you bought the item on ebay you can enter the ebay auction number into paypal and they will bring up the total and everything for you. Or you can ask the seller for their email address for paypal. Some sellers have different email addresses than the one they give to ebay so its good to double check. On some ebay items if you click on the "Pay Now" button and then tick Paypal as method of payment it will take you straight to paypal to pay for the item.

You only need a personal account if you are just sending money but if you want to accept paypal payments you need to get a business account. It didn't cost me any extra to have the business one when I set it up recently.

I know that sounds like a novel but I hope I covered all those questions for you.

:star: LINDA :star:

Postby pekkelien » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:24 am
okay thanks you helped a lot
i know a buyer who wanted to pay trew paypal
i will make a account and let him pay
if i get his money i can pay my nice smurfette :-D

Postby Bunno Smurf » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:31 am
No worries. Glad to help. Paypal has a help section also which is pretty thorough and answers just about any question you could imagine.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Guest » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:34 am
Dyar I don't mean you add paypal fees after, I am going to edit my post because you have misunderstood.

Postby pekkelien » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:45 am
Hello i got paypal
there isnt any money on it yet
but if someone wants to pay me and i recieved it
can i spend it than

Postby Bunno Smurf » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:51 am
Yes you can, Sven. Paypal payments are instant too. As soon as they pay you, paypal will send you an email saying theres a payment and then you'll be able to spend it. (You'll lose a small amount in fees though)

:star: LINDA :star:

Postby pekkelien » Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:17 am
yes i saw the fees
now heres my last question
what fees do i need to pay if im paying to someone in usa and need to put it into usa dollars

Postby eggie smurf » Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:27 am
Sven - to my knowledge, as the payer, you do not have to pay any conversion fees to the US. The seller is the only one who pays fees. All you have to do is send the exact amount and paypal does all the converting for you :D
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby pekkelien » Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:36 am
thanks a lot

Postby pekkelien » Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:49 am
i just saw ebayers that ask 7% on total ammount for paypal fees can they do that?

Postby Bunno Smurf » Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:00 pm
I think it depends which country it is Sven. I see a lot of them in the US but I know Karen said you can't in the UK.

We have laws here in Australia saying you can add extra to goods for those paying with credit card so we may be able to but I wouldn't be 100% sure on that.

Its better for all around if you take it into account in your starting price anyway in my opinion.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Guest » Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:04 pm
Ebay.com have similar rules to ebay.co.uk.

Here are the rules from Ebay.com
Payment: Surcharges

Sellers may not charge eBay buyers an additional fee for their use of ordinary forms of payment, including acceptance of checks, money orders, electronic transfers or credit cards. Such costs should be built into the price of the item-this policy reduces the potential for confusion among bidders about the true cost of an item. Further, some forms of payment surcharges, such as credit card surcharges, are forbidden under the laws of many states, including California.

Can a seller add a surcharge to the final price of an eBay item? Yes, in three instances:

Sellers may charge a reasonable shipping and handling fee to the final price of their item, providing that this fee is disclosed in the listing. A shipping and handling fee can cover the seller's reasonable costs for mailing, packaging and handling the item. Shipping and handling fees cannot be listed as a percentage of the final sale price.
Sellers may pass along the costs associated with using escrow, if the buyer chooses to use escrow. Use caution when considering escrow. To avoid being deceived by fraudulent escrow services, use www.escrow.com, eBay's approved escrow service.
Sellers may choose to accept payment in a different currency than the currency listed on eBay. If the buyer chooses to take advantage of this optional payment method, the seller may pass along to the buyer any costs associated with the currency exchange, provided that the costs are disclosed and agreed to in advance by the buyer.
Note: Some types of payment surcharges are permitted on some of eBay's international sites.
In the UK a company can add a surcharge for credit card use, you will see on the small print of your receipts for most high street stores that a surcharge has been added for credit card use. However, this is normally built into the final price the consumer sees so they don't realise they have been charged. If I took payment from a customer direct from their credit card (not via paypal) then I could surcharge them, but I don't. I cannot surcharge them for paypal though because this is electronic money and is classed differently, UK rules are shown below.
eBay has adopted the following surcharging policy in the interests of ensuring that all buyers receive clear and accurate pricing information when trading on eBay.co.uk. This surcharge policy applies only to items listed on eBay.co.uk.

eBay prohibits surcharging by sellers except where described below. Surcharging occurs when sellers pass the charges they incur for using eBay or third party services such as payment services onto buyers.

Specific examples are explained below for your guidance:

1. Electronic Money Services: Sellers who accept electronic money services as a means of payment for an item purchased on eBay, may not impose a surcharge.

Electronic money services include, but are not limited to, services such as PayPal, Nochex, FastPay or Moneybookers.

2. Cheques and Money Order: Sellers may not charge buyers an additional fee for their use of ordinary forms of payment, including acceptance of cheques and money orders.

3. eBay Fees: Sellers may not pass onto buyers any eBay selling fees including but not limited to listing fees, listing enhancement fees and final value fees.

Exceptions to the Surcharge Policy

1. Credit and Debit Card Payments: Surcharging is permitted where sellers accept credit or debit cards as a means of payment for an item purchased on eBay. Such sellers will have merchant accounts with a bank or credit card company.

These sellers may not pass on to the buyer a charge greater than the amount of the commission payable by the seller to the bank processing that credit or debit card payment. In other words, sellers may recoup the charges incurred as a direct consequence of accepting the credit or debit card, but no more.

Please note that under English law, sellers have a legal right to pass onto the buyer the charges incurred for a credit or debit card transaction. However, this right does not apply to electronic money services. Where a credit or debit card is used to purchase electronic money to fund a transaction made via an electronic money service such as the ones listed above, this is not a credit or debit card transaction, but an electronic money service transaction.

2. Posting and Handling: Sellers may add a reasonable posting and handling fee to the final price of their item, providing that this fee is disclosed up front in the listing. A posting and handling fee can cover only the seller's reasonable costs for mailing, packaging and handling the item. Posting and handling fees cannot be listed as a percentage of the final sale price.

3. Escrow: Sellers may pass along the costs associated with using a third party escrow service, if the buyer chooses to use an escrow service and if the costs are disclosed and agreed to in advance by the buyer.

4. Different Currencies: Sellers may choose to accept payment in a different currency than the currency listed on eBay. If the buyer chooses to take advantage of this optional payment method, the seller may pass along to the buyer any costs associated with the currency exchange, provided that the costs are disclosed and agreed to in advance by the buyer.
I believe that in Germany it is ok to add paypal fees. Maybe Tojo can look up the rules? If you go to help and then search for surcharges (in German of course) then you should find the German rules.

Postby Yonna » Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:33 am
In Germany they DO add a little fee to cover the Paypal paying fees. Stupid, that's what I think. In Germany eBay the Smurfs are cheaper than in UK or USA but many don't use Paypal and when they do, they change extra from you!! :banghead:

Postby Bunno Smurf » Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:39 am
I looked up Aussie ebay and it says the same thing as the UK basically. There is a clause about credit card but its says you'd have to ask Mastercard or Visa about it blah blah blah....
:star: LINDA :star:
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