Really like this one...even better than the King one
I may not remember this correctly, but I don't think there aren't that many fakes of this one available as of the King, are there?
I know the King smurf How2Work has been faked en masse, just don't remember seeing many of this black one
Another question have of this and the King one (original ones)...are they easy to stand up? I have the hardest time to keep the fake king upright and was wondering if this is also a problem with the genuine ones.

I have never seen a fake / knock off off the black smurf.
Secondly: The originals are easy to stand up, they do not fall over due to the fact that their bottom halfs (trousers) are made of a harder material than the head and body.
There is a very easy way of solving your problem with the non originals (Fakes is such a discrimnitive ugly word).
1. Take the pants off from the body. (Not what you thinking your naughty minds)
2. You will see that its hollow and has a whole.
3. Fill the whole (cavity) with a heavy product. (Sea sand, gel etc.)
4. This will make sure that the smurf is no longer top heavy.
5. Make sure you plug the whole, otherwise you can think what will happen.
connect the body and trousers and presto!
hope this helped Moey