Doesn't Schleich release new figures every year in January, May, September and December?
The Movie smurfs were released in May of 2011, so if they push the release of the 2012 to May it would put them one year after the last release....
I am very disappointed...reading this little piece shows again how little regard Schleich has for smurfs
"Im Januar liegt der Fokus auf der wichtigsten Kerngruppe
des Schleich® Programms, der WORLD OF NATURE"
Meaning, Schleich will put their main focus in January on their most important group of figures which is the World of Nature
Let's hope the delay is as Simon said due to the Olympic license and those smurfs will be officially licensed by the Olympics..and the delay is not due to Schleich putting less and less efforts and money into their smurfs
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