Ok so the smurfs movie wont be as big as cars or transformers but could you show the little guys a bit of respect. Went to target today after the online said they should have the smurf stuff out and was told they could be sold starting the 31'st. They had nothing out yet, and all it will get is an end cap (small stand at the end of an isle) I did get the stuff out of the back so at least there is that. But then I go to walmart to ask if possibly they have something.. noooo. wont get anything either acording to the guy. See I think it's a big mistake not to sell more things. As I went to build a bear this weekend they already sold out of the smurf figure and only had a handfull of smurfette left and it seems to me like they are doing pretty good on selling stuff. Mind you i'm sure i'm responsible for some of the stores low shelf count but still People besides me want there smurfs and to not have anything on the shelves is a disgrace
Ok. deep breath.. time to calm down... i'm good.