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Postby lilou4460 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:56 am

I know that Steeve has the world record about smurf numbers. But I was wondering how this record was attributed to him. Is it 1061 different smurfs ?

I was wondering if lia, christy or André (may other collector : tintin....) can bit that record.

Steeve is not againts you but it looks to me that on blueimps there is a lot of great collectors that have a huge amount of smurf.

Lets challenge our wonderful steeve


Postby Tintin » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:21 am
Hi Lilou

I am honored if you want to mention me.
But collecting has never been a competition for me.
It's just fun to talk with other collectors and see other collections.

So if it's on me Steve is and stays the world record holder.
Don't even know if i can beat him at all ..........

Congratulations with your record Steve :cheerz:
And i really mean this, it's not one of my sarcastic remarks like i sometimes make !!!!!


Postby Smurfysmurf » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:29 am
Very nicely put, TinTin :D

I agree especially with this part
But collecting has never been a competition for me.
It's just fun to talk with other collectors and see other collections.
and just want to mention it's nice to see a smurf collection shown in the book, and Steve is a great ambassador for smurf collectors :D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

If you are having problems registering on Blue Cavern, please click the "e-mail" link on my profile and send me an e-mail with your preferred username and e-mail. Thank you :D
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Hidden in the Woods

And follow Hidden in the Woods on Facebook or Twitter

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:07 am
Very nicely put, TinTin :D

I agree especially with this part
But collecting has never been a competition for me.
It's just fun to talk with other collectors and see other collections.
and just want to mention it's nice to see a smurf collection shown in the book, and Steve is a great ambassador for smurf collectors :D
You are absolutely right! :D

Postby lilou4460 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:11 am
It was not in my mind to create a competition, collecting smurf is a hobby not a challenge.
I was just kidding, and i agree with you it's great that a smurf collector can be the ambassador for all of us.


PS : I hope Steve will not take it badly.... it was really a joke.

Postby Tintin » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:17 am

You don't have to apologize.
Everyone can has is own opinion remarks or thoughts about collecting ................. :cheers:
And i am sure Steve will take it in a good way :D


Postby lilou4460 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:36 am
for the info I did discover that in the book the "world of smurfs"

Postby Tintin » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:49 am

It was on this forum that Steve has the record.
But i didn't knew it was in that book to........... i don't have that.


Postby Gerda » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:33 pm
I wonder now too how they came up with the number, I often wondered anyway how guiness does things as you often here of people trying to break records and guines being there and then having to go figure out if a record was broken. Guess there is more too it than just adding things up :-?

And as for challenging Steve, just keep in mind that he dressed the part in the book and that is a tall order to full fill. So it may be less about the number of smurfs you have but rather if you have the guts to dress as one for a photo opp :) :) (i'll stick to quietly hording my smurfs)
happily smurfing along

Postby bwalters » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:02 pm
Steve is deffinatly a great ambassitor to Smurf collecting. I really think it is a matter of opinion as to who has the biggest collection. If I had to guess it would be between Andre, Tintin, Dyar, and Gerda. If you want to talk about who's collection takes up the most room in a house I might have a shot. :) :) But as far as diffrent Smurfs I can't compete. And really I am with most of you. I don't care if I do have the most, I'm not going to call Guness. It's not about beating anyone. It's just about the love of collecting.
Mr Bill

Postby steveparkes » Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:14 pm
:) :) Cheers guys (and gals)..I have to say I never professed to have the largest collection..I know there are LOADS of people who have a FAR bigger collection (Christy and the Sisters for one) I can only dream of having such a wonderful collection. Sadly with expenses being tight at the moment I am wayyy behind on smurfs.

I was approached by Guinness after my appearance on the BBC programme Totally Saturday, in which Graham Norton (UK Comic & host) showed my smurf collection.

The Guinness Book researcher saw that and contacted me to say they would like to feature my collection in the book as they didn't have a smurf category. I pointed out to them that I was probably not the biggest collector, but they didn't seem to care and said they had to start somewhere and records are always being broken..so I didn't expect to keep it for long.

They came to my house, looked at my collection..left me with a counter to click and count (took me a fair while). Then they arranged to come over to where my whole collection was and do a photoshoot with a makeup artist.

It took me HOURS to get everything out into the garden, I was very worried that stuff would get broken..they were just throwing smurfs around me as I lay on the ground dressed as a smurf...I kept seeing them pull SCCI smurfs out of a carrier bag and toss them on the ground..they just didn't get the value of them.

Thankfully nothing got broken..but it took me months to put everything back in order..it was a very long process. It's great to be in the book, it's opened a few doors with TV stuff and I love having the Guinness Certificate framed on my wall :)

I understand from a magazine I was in today that a German guy has taken the record now..Tojo was that you? :)

It was a great time and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Thanks for all your lovely comments, I will be on TV in the UK again doing a smurfy 'challenge' on a Saturday TV here..can't say any more yet, but I am sure I will let you all see it soon :D

Steve x
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby Gerda » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:31 pm
not for me that is for sure, the idea of people coming in throwing my smurfs around I would have a major fit and be totally stressed out :shock: nope nope, not me..
happily smurfing along

Postby Smurfysmurf » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:07 pm
can you imagine having to count your stuff one piece at a time :eek:

What an honor that they have approached you, Steve..and there is one title nobody can take away from you..ever...you were the first smurfer in the Guiness book of records :cheerz:

Kind of fitting as well because I think you are probably one of the first smurf collectors, aren't you? :-?
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

If you are having problems registering on Blue Cavern, please click the "e-mail" link on my profile and send me an e-mail with your preferred username and e-mail. Thank you :D
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Hidden in the Woods

And follow Hidden in the Woods on Facebook or Twitter

Postby Gerda » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:08 pm
can you imagine having to count your stuff one piece at a time :eek:
and would variations count, and each and every smurf object :-? another good reason for me not to do it, i'd loose count in no time :)
happily smurfing along

Postby bwalters » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:25 pm
Boy if thats the way they did your Smurfs, I'm out too. Plus it would take me many moons to put everything back the way it was. Of course I wasn't going to try anyway. Plus I think there are many people that have a lot more than I do. I personally don't care who has the most or biggest collection. I JUST LOVE to collect.
Mr Bill

Postby steveparkes » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:09 pm
:) Yeah I think I mush be one of the first smurfers Moey..I have been collecting since I was 10..I know Rachel was about the same time as me as we used to chat before this forum was here.

Yeah it was each and every item I had to cound Gerda...It took me quite a time to do it :)
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:48 pm
I tried to count mine a few years back but I got stuck after the number 7. You see, I was never really great with numbers.....not after the number 7 anyway.

I guess I could count them in groups of 7 and then ask Moey to count all of the groups of 7s up. I could probably count 7 of the groups of 7 but, then I would have to stop. Unless I group the 7 groups of 7 and.....you see, it's just too hard. :-?

Anyway, for the record.....I have at least 7 smurfs :-?


Postby Tojo » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:24 am
:haha: :) :)
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby bwalters » Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:52 pm
I totally agree with Tojo :haha: :) :) To be honest I read that post last night, but apperntly missed some of it. Can't blame it on Duval though. Well maybe I can, didn't have any and needed some. :cheers:
Mr Bill
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