Today started the smurfpromotion in the supermarket Delhaize.
When you buy for 20 euro you recieve 1 stamp. when you have 4 stamps you will recieve a smurf. Some things are in promotion and you can get more stamps then. Also you can buy there all kinds of smurf things like jakks pacific, mapholders, cups, wrapping paper, smurf kethup, smurf jam, smurf mayonaise and many many more....
There are 28 smurfs to get and i have already 15 of them hahaha.
Friends are helping me to get them too.
You can put them in a very nice box. Pictures will follow later.
I saving all my spare ones and hope to get many more.
So i can help other collectors to get them.
It's just the same promotion of AH, only more smurfs (they are charms)
You can check everything on the site :
If someone needs something, just me know