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Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:20 am
Stace and me stumbled into Spencers yesterday after a yummy Blizzard and we found all of the new stuff above.....which was fun as we didn't know they were out there.

I even got a pair of Smurfette undies for myself......or Stace......um, we'll fight over them a little later I guess...... :o ......oh and Moey......we got some for you too naturally......although you might have to fight me for the Smurfette undies of course.


PS: I also went to FYE for some CD shopping :D Picked up Sting's Live in Berlin CD/DVD.......but that won't be enough of a bribe if she wants to keep those undies :D

PPS: No fighting....the Fish wins :-? ......how tough are you Moey?

Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:50 am
Thanks, Dyar....I've got something for you as well.. :D

Oh and I'll fight you any day and win....:smile:

fighting Stace... :-? ..yeah I think she won that one :banghead:
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby bwalters » Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:45 pm
I had a really hard time with the undies too. I guess I didn't pay a lot of attention to them when I ordered them. When I got them I thought these are womens. So I went to the site again. It say Smurfette boys pants. I wouldn't be caught dead in them. lol
Mr Bill

Postby paolo » Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:28 am
I really like that cell phone collar! :-D

Postby bwalters » Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:40 pm
Hi Paolo; I don't see a cell phone collar in any of the pic's. I think what your talking about is a purse that is standing next to the gobblets. Or I guess it could be the mini backpacks. I do have 5 cell phone holders I got on ebay.
Mr Bill

Postby Gerda » Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:32 am
I see online they got flip flops now too, Love all the new stuff coming up!
happily smurfing along

Postby paolo » Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:49 pm
Hi Paolo; I don't see a cell phone collar in any of the pic's. I think what your talking about is a purse that is standing next to the gobblets. Or I guess it could be the mini backpacks. I do have 5 cell phone holders I got on ebay.
What is then the first object on the left on top of the washing machine?
If you have multiple items of them, I would like to buy two.

Postby bwalters » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:06 pm
Well I guess it could hold a cell phone. I use them for ID's and keys. I don't think I've ever seen anyone put a cell phone on one. That is the only one I have.
Mr Bill

Postby bwalters » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:09 pm
At Gerda; I bought the flipflops and retro posters this weekend. This is not going to be what it sounds like. Goggle the word TIDDIES they are like flip flops, but have a strap that goes around the back of your foot. I used to have a couple of pairs. I could run in them almost as fast and other shoes. That is when I could run. lol
Mr Bill

Postby Gerda » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:10 pm
with the type of clasp that has I don't think a cell phone would work with it, it has more of a dog leash clasp :-? I saw one girl at my son's music ensamble with it and was floored to see a youngster with a smurf, even went up to her telling her how cool I though she was (bet she instantly threw it away after having some strange woman run up to her in a big smile telling her smurfs are cool) :) :)
happily smurfing along

Postby bwalters » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:13 pm
So did you pull it out of the trash?
Mr Bill

Postby Gerda » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:15 pm
So did you pull it out of the trash?
If I would have seen her throw it away I would have jumped in right after it!! I'm not afraid of a little dumpster diving :-D
happily smurfing along

Postby bwalters » Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:35 pm
Hi All; I went to a town about 100 miles away yesterday on a Smurf hunt. I had been to about 8 stores with no luck. When I got to Spencers and hot topic I was determined to at least buy something. At Hot topic I got another keychain I (heart) Nerds. At Spencer's I grabbed a couple more air freshners. I also got a pair of footie pajama's (in another thread). This morning I was doing laundry and noticed I had not put the air freshners with my others. I went to find them. They were still in the bag. When I went to hang them up, I noticed the pose was diffrent. It really depends on how they are placed in the bag and to which direction they are faceing. I went ahead and hung them up. Then I noticed the package was shorted. I pulled them all off the thumb tack to see what else I could find. The wording is smaller, the pic's of papa and smurfette are smaller, and the word Smurfs appears on the feet of the new one's. Heres a pic.
Mr Bill

Postby bwalters » Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:48 pm
I just thought about it. the plastic bag lifts up off the cardboard. Both of them have Smurfs on the feet. but one is on the back side.
Mr Bill

Postby Tintin » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:12 am
Hi Bill

If you drive a 100 miles for smurfy items one can say that's a true collector !!! :-D

Glad that it paid of at the end !!!!!!! :D
Congratulations with your smurfs .............. :cheers:


Postby bwalters » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:33 pm
Thanks Tintin; I don't have a whole lot of choice but to drive that far. I only have a walmart within 12 miles. There is a Target 24 mile. But If I want TRU I have to drive either 90 or 100 miles. While the 90 miles is closer the drive is a lot curveier. The 90 mile drive is my home town. So I can usually go see my sister or some friends. So I pretty much can kill two birds with one stone.
Mr Bill

Postby Tintin » Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:18 am
Hi Bill

When i read this, i guess we are very lucky over here.
Good luck with your smurf hunt !!!!

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