Darryl (Kiwismurf) is from Christchurch...I hope he is okHappened early this morning here in Christchurch, around 4.30am. Was just about to hit the hay and then baaam, everything went pitch black, things were falling/smashing to the ground, freaked me right out ay! Had a look round the house to inspect the damage at daylight (I couldn't get any sleep afterwards) and most all the doors/windows won't either open or close properly, it's like the whole frame of the house has totally warped! To look at the roof on the inside, looks as if it has shifted at least 1/4 an inch, and on one of the corners on the outside of the house has a dirty great big staircase crack (1/2 inch) going from bottom to top (or top to bottom). Watched the news and some people weren't as fortunate as me as, they really copped it bad (total demo jobs). Yea, even as I type there are still small hints of mini tremors hanging about. I'm tired so I better catch some Z's...
Yeah I really hope he's ok too. I've looked at some of the photos on the internet & read some of the reports too. It looks like it will be quite a while before things are back to normal.Darryl (Kiwismurf) is from Christchurch...I hope he is ok
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