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Postby Guest » Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:15 am
Rachel mentioned it would be good to ask this question as we have obviously only just discovered that Attom is an artist and a very good one at that by the looks of it!

We know Lucy works in a dentists and Rachel and Anette are teachers, but what does everyone else do? If you're not working what do you do to keep yourself busy all day?

I'm a Buyer by trade but have also helped run a business before. At the moment I work for a web design company supervising 8 homeworkers who put travel brochures onto the internet. I also sell handbags, Elvis memorabilia and Schleich animals and obviously smurfs from a retail outlet near where I live. And obviously there is my ebay, amazon and website business. Oh and I also have 4 kids, two of which are pre-school!

In the past I have been a manager of a shoe shop, worked in a travel agents, worked for a housing association doing accounts, worked in unit trust finance, worked for an office furniture manufacturer doing production and purchasing, done accounts for a Packaging company and I've also written a book. A real mixed bag! I've worked for myself for 5 years now, I miss getting out and meeting people but this is where these smurfy chats really fill that gap! :grin:

So what does everyone else do?

Postby steveparkes » Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:35 am
Hi Karen,

I work as a Media Services Technician in a college of FE. I do photography, video & video editing, and desk top publishing. However, I am a trained Ceramic Technician (pottery) and have worked as one for 8 years in a college of FE..so you could say I am institutionalized :D

P.S. I can draw too (passed A level art) :-D
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby chesneysmurf » Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:20 am
I finished a semester of college in May and I'm thinking about taking more classes or going to nursing school. At night I work at a music hall. It's really fun. I work ticket booth and I also do concessions. :-D
Postby attombomb7 » Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:10 am

I'm a painter..and also do research for TV.. I love both..and they inter twine
and have been doing this for some time..

and have also had clerk type jobs and even worked in a pet shop..



Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:52 pm
Hi Guys

My family are all Solicitors so I work in the family office drawing up Contracts, Wills, Power of Attorneys, Statements etc. I am not a Solicitor although there is a business there to take over if I do decide to go and study in the future. I also do freelance music writing and research on the side. I have my own music research library here which was used to set up the MTV music research here in Australia.

Before the legal work I have worked for MTV Australia, Arc Music TV, Foxtel and have done research/writing for many music TV shows around here. I have written a lot scripts for TV hosts and interviewed quite a few musos and rock identities. I used to put shows together in edit suites and also worked in a booking agency for touring bands. I have also appeared in a few commercials and on TV a few times on different shows in the past. Most of my life has been spent in a music field (including playing music) and that's all that made sense to me until I discovered smurfs. I will be looking to spend the next few years as a journalist somewhere and hope to travel a fair bit around the world. I also have my trivia music board game that I hope will be successful one day so I can afford to keep my smurf habit. I once painted a house for some money and I also worked in a bottle shop for 4 days until I turned up drunk and was fired on the spot.....the best excuse I ever came up with for leaving a job. I hope to write a book one day like Karen has done although I am uncertain exactly what format this would be in at the moment.

Mr Dyar

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Sun Aug 15, 2004 7:06 pm
I used to work in a nursery ( garden center) f0r nearly 8 years but since becoming ill ( sick in the head) I am now a self implyed dj doing mobile discos to keep the bills away. Ive even played the smurfs on the odd ocation! He He mainly cus i wanted to Ha Ha Ha. Got a few funny looks though oh well not to worry a smurfers got to do what a smurfers got to do!!!!!! :D :D :-D As for the rest of the time im usuly doing somthing or uther Usuly looking for smurfs or trying to work out my next big idea. Other than that geting under my wifes feet and geting in trouble. Usuly i deserve it! He He He! At the mo in knitting a smurf jumper for my little girl lauren Should be finished soon. Ill have to post a pic. Smurfy regards, Steve. :-D :-D

Postby attombomb7 » Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:20 pm
I finished a semester of college in May and I'm thinking about taking more classes or going to nursing school. At night I work at a music hall. It's really fun. I work ticket booth and I also do concessions. :-D

hi! by the way I finally got a hula smurfette... and liked her..more then the other smurfettes too...

Attom :D

Postby Rachel » Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:06 am
Hi guys, it is great finding out that little bit more about what we all do. :grin:

As Karen mentioned, I am a teacher. I am not a conventional teacher though, I am a peripatetic music teacher. :o What this actually means is that I travel around different schools as an instrumental teacher. I teach cello, double bass and bass guitar in small groups and individually and I also conduct the local youth string orchestra. The age range of the kids I teach is 8 to 18 and from beginner up to music college entry.

What I love doing is arranging music for cello and double bass ensembles (when I have the time) and then organising days for the kids to get together to play it. Last month I organised a cello day and we had 65 cellists all playing in a cello orchestra, that was fun. Last year I did a double bass day where we had 42 bassists all playing together, a sight to see.

Before becoming a teacher I worked as a professional double bassist for a touring opera company and also did freelance work. This was great fun and what I had always wanted to do but a shoulder problem combined with the fact that I love teaching helped me make the decision a few years back to give up the playing and concentrate on teaching.

Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby chesneysmurf » Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:53 am
I finished a semester of college in May and I'm thinking about taking more classes or going to nursing school. At night I work at a music hall. It's really fun. I work ticket booth and I also do concessions. :-D

hi! by the way I finally got a hula smurfette... and liked her..more then the other smurfettes too...

Attom :D
:D :D :D :D
Postby attombomb7 » Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:05 am
that job of yours sounds really rewarding and fun Rachel!

Attom :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:32 pm
except for the kiddies bit.....LOL....I am just being Shallo

Postby Rachel » Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:04 pm
Hi guys, you are both right. Most of the time it is a great job, really rewarding, great fun and FANTASTIC holidays. There are times however.......

I left my cello on the bus.
I have LOST my double bass!
I have broken my arm.
I forgot that I palyed it.

And that is just the other staff! :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Aug 16, 2004 8:03 pm
The one you really don't want to hear is "....and one time, at band camp, I....."

Postby eggie smurf » Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:15 pm
LOL @ Andrew!!!!

Hey everyone - I haven't answered this post yet - I'll keep it short and sweet so as not to bore everyone with my exciting job! I am a certified public accountant and work with my parents in a small accounting firm in Delaware. I love the work and get along pretty well with my bosses. Being related really helps with the whole vacation days! I've been working with them officially since I graduated college in 1995 and unofficially since I was 8 years old :D Who says child labor is a bad thing??
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby kira1970_ » Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:05 am
I am a child carer. I have been doing family day care now for 6 years.....When I left school I was offered a job in our local butcher shop for the summer holidays and ended up staying for 9 years....I have recently completed my Diploma in Child Care.
I was also a Volunteer Fire Fighter for our local brigade. I was the first female volunteer fire fighter in Tasmania. I gave all that up when our son was born in 1995.
The day care children love it when a parcel arrives and it contains smurfs...They all know now the saying....Looking, No Touching......lol
The old beat up smurfs are popuar with the children,and even the parents love having a look and remembering the smurfs they used to have.

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:39 am
Hi Kira

Being a Volunteer Fire Fighter sounds pretty cool....I wanted to volunteer with the Fire Brigade but apparently you weren't actually allowed to start the fires and when I tried at the interview they were flaming mad at me so I gave that a miss. I also hear that working in a butcher shop is a great way to meat people but the ultimate job for me would be to work in a bread shop. I hear they get to loaf around a lot but are always rolling in dough. I think Mrs Dyar would allow me to buy more smurfs if I could bring a lot more bread home.


PS - Is your smurf merry go round still intact Kira, as I am sure the kids would find that too irresistable no matter what you said to them.

Postby Guest » Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:22 am
I have so much respect for you Kira. I could not work with young children, or older ones Rachel!

I have enough trouble keeping my own in line!

I used to help out at the school fayres by doing a stall with girly hair accessories and I gave it up because the little girls drove me mad!!!

Postby kira1970_ » Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:50 am
Hi Kitty and Dyar
In repy to your posts
I enjoy working with kids, I have 14 on the books and of those I can only have a maximum of 5 at one time. It is very rewarding and I enjoy helping them learn and have fun, for when they start kinder. I never thought i would go back to school myself so I am pleased I did as i now have a Qualification.
Dyar.....In reply to your comment about you coudn't join as you don't get to start the fires....I was a training officer and I trained Juniors...We had some serious bush fires around our local area. We were out for 3 days containing the fires and after they were put out it turned out that one of the juniors I was training lit the dam things....He was charged and went a Youth detention centre for a while. I trained him well....lol
I have put the merry go round thing away until I come home from holidays and clean out the spare bedroom....I think you know what sort of room it will turn into........lol....Much to Hubby's dislike...

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:23 am
Hi Kira

I would imagine that people wanted to kill that junior who started the fire. For anyone who doesn't know we have big problems with bushfires in Australia during the summer and it is not uncommon for the city of Sydney to be surrounded by bushfires and the whole city covered in smoke. I know we have had over 50 bushfires in New Suth Wales at the one time and they are usually ones that burn out of control and go for days sometimes weeks before they can relax. These are usually deliberate and as you can imagine if you get caught you are gone. I would not of liked to be that junior when he got caught as I imagine a lot of people would want to hang him in the town square.

I have put the merry go round thing away until I come home from holidays and clean out the spare bedroom....I think you know what sort of room it will turn into........lol....Much to Hubby's dislike...
Maybe there should be a forum for all of our partners to get together and complain or find ways from other partners on how to deal with smurf addiction in the house. Mrs Dyar wants another child and I want to hang on to my smurf room so I better come up with a compromise soon or Syd and me will be shown the door.

Postby Oprime » Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:02 pm
Hi all!
Its nice to read about all of you out there! I'm a biochemist and I do science...stuff. http://www.sci.utu.fi/biokemia/abe/

I've got my whole Transformers toys collection at work and its funny to see all the younger students whispering and all the old professors shaking their heads 8-)

Keep up the good work everyone!


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