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Postby André » Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:51 am
Could anyone help me translate the name on the first Hering tag on this picture. I can´t read what it says. But I guess it is easier if you understand portugese.

Number 63 is called Alfaiade which I looked up and this is Tailorsmurf.

So tag with number 63 belongs to the Tailor Hering.

But what does the first tag with number 54 say??? Something with Es??

If someone knows the portugese name of the smurfs it could help!!
Maybe belongs to 20040 Gift??
hering 54.jpg
hering 54.jpg (25.89 KiB) Viewed 3853 times
hering_wrapping_or_packing.jpg (81.3 KiB) Viewed 3854 times

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Tintin » Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:59 am
Hi Andre

63 = 20063 Tailer
54 = 20054 First aid ?????

There is a first aid in the Hering serie to..... :-?


Postby André » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:17 am
Hi Andre

63 = 20063 Tailer
54 = 20054 First aid ?????

There is a first aid in the Hering serie to..... :-?

That is a great thought Frank! Didn´t think of that! :banghead:

Could be?? What is the portugese name for first aid smurf? :-?

But if you compare with W. Berrie they gave them new numbers.

My guess is that Hering not only made smurfs for Schleich but other items to. So they don´t have to had used the same numbers as Schleich Germany?? :-?

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Tintin » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:20 am
Hi Andre

I am still working on the translation.

I always use this program.


I tried already lots and lots of words but ....... no luck yet !!!

Greetings Tintin

Postby Lia » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:29 am

I translated all the Hering smurfs from english to portugese, but I didn`t find the correct answer, soo I send the picture to Marcelo, perhaps he know..I let you know!


Postby Smurfysmurf » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:40 am
Sandra is from Portugal...I am sure she is able to help once she sees this :D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby Cassiebsg » Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:48 am
That would be Enfermeiro(a) if it's nurse you're after.

Must admit that if Tintin hadn't said it, then I would have gone with Estrumfina (Smurffete). Truth is I can't really read the letters, it's more a guess than anything else.

And Alfaiate is correct, that's Tailor.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Lia » Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:55 am
Thanks Sandra,

first aid and smurfette are bòth possible! Because exist both as Hering :D


Postby Lia » Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:32 am
I`ve received Marcelo`s answer!

He says:
"I swear I'm trying to red that word but it's hard even to identify.
Before this word there's an "O". "O" is "THE" for males - so it's not referring to Smurfette.
Sometimes it looks like "O enfermeiro" (somethng like a male nurse). But I'm not sure AT ALL. :-)
I also don't understand why they have numbers like 054 and 063 - if we just had about 20 Smurfs in Brazil.
The other one is right. Is "O ALFAIATE" and it's a translation for Tailor smurf"

so...............it has to be the first aid, do you agree?


Postby Cassiebsg » Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:47 am
Yes, I would say it's the first aid too.
Han't even noticed the O... thought it was just another random number. :lol:
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Tintin » Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:57 am

Seems problem solved !! :-D
Smurfers together :cheers:

Greetings Tintin

Postby André » Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:19 am
Thanks everyone and especially Frank( Tintin) who guided us in the right direction!! :-D And off course the translators and all others!! :-D :lol:

So know we know the Hering smurfs had the same articlenumbers as the german ones. It definatly says Enfermeiro!! I was checking words like Estimeiro before asking the question on the forum. :lol:

So now to the chronology.

If we check the markings Schleich used the printed Schleich marking and the handwritten peyo marking. This they started with 1979. If you compare to the Hongkongmarked smurfs which they started selling in 1979, the first ones had Schleichemblem( molds made 1978).

So this tells us the Hering was most likely made and sold between 1980 and 1982 with license from Schleich and 100% genuine Schleichsmurfs.

After this they probably erased the markings and sold them for a while longer unlicensed. Last they blocked the marking with the stripes.

So now to my questions to the one of you who have many of these.

It seems they used the same type of marking on all the smurfs. I mean the handwritten Peyo and printed Schleich and Hering written in the same way. Is this correct? If you check my picture. First smurfs papa and last smurf angry has both this type of "printingstyle"!

Next question: Are there smurfs where you can find all markingversions. I mean complete marking and erased marking and blocked marking( with stripes)?
peyo marking hering.jpg
peyo marking hering.jpg (55.93 KiB) Viewed 3796 times

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Macbee » Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:01 am
Wow, I *FINALLY* have found my password for Blue Cavern.

I'll paste here my question to Lia. But this time it goes to André :)

"I'm surprised with this attached image! What's the origin of it?
I know I was a young kid when Herings were on sale - but I'm sure we used to buy them completely loose. There were no cases, boxes or catalogs included with the toys back in the day!
Sometimes I see the foreign Smurfs boxes on Blue Cavern forum - which inevitably makes me curse Hering for selling them without any packaging in the 1980s."

(Of course I'm not considering the Smurf mushroom house. You could buy the house and the entire collection at once - but it was something like a special "deluxe edition")

Postby André » Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:44 am
Hi Marcelo!

This is the best proof we have that the Hering smurfs were actually licensed by Schleich.

They say if I read correct "Fabricado solo licenca Schleich Peyo". Could be spelled wrongly because it is hard to read.

These pictures are from the SCCI-letters ( Smurfs Collectors Club). It was a smurfcollecting club started 1986 only 4 years after the license in Brazil expired. This club had very good contact with Schleich and got all answers directly from Schleich at this time. So these letters have a lot of information if you read them. Maureen has them on her website.

These "tags" don´t necessarily have been used attached to the smurfs. They could be for the dealers to have behind the smurfs on the shelves or could have been used only between factory and dealers. Like today when the smurfs are delievered in plastic bags( 5 in each) from Schleich factory to the stores selling them. So the stores selling these may not have used these???

Can you translate the rest on the picture for us.

Under the enfermeiro it says something like:

* Pintado o m**

* Tinto something???

* Material a toxico???

I just wrote the letters so you understand where on the picture to look. :lol:
So the letters I wrote can be completly wrong! :lol: I know nothing about portugese!!

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Lia » Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:26 pm
@ André
I understand in which direction you`re going André.
All peyomarkings are handwritten.
And I have not found one smurf with the 3 different markings.
All could have: hering made in brazil and stripes, or : hering made in brazil and erased markings.
Soon I hope to receive a big lot with Herings and I will check if there are new variations in that lot!


Postby André » Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:58 pm
@ André
I understand in which direction you`re going André.
All peyomarkings are handwritten.
And I have not found one smurf with the 3 different markings.
All could have: hering made in brazil and stripes, or : hering made in brazil and erased markings.
Soon I hope to receive a big lot with Herings and I will check if there are new variations in that lot!

I think you would understand Lia!! :o :lol: Maybe I could get you thinking like me?? :-? :o

Regarding the marking I think we agree? Same marking all the time. This for me means during a time when Schleich changed marking a lot. Sold only for a short time with license. It must have been around 1980 to 1982.

Regarding the erased ones I think you read my mind. If they blocked the marking first there is nothing to erase??? :o

So did the erase the marking first on some smurfs and then later blocked this?? Or on some smurfs they erased the marking and on some smurfs they blocked it with stripes?

Schleich seems to have been very strict with the painting all around the world. So licensed smurfs are very similair in colours on the licensed smurfs. But on the other hand this makes the fakes more intresting with all different colours!! :-D

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Cassiebsg » Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:12 pm
Hey André.

Here's what I can guess out of it, think it's right. ;)

Pintado à mão = Hand painted

Tinta atoxica = Nontoxic paint

Material atoxico = Nontoxic material

HERING S.A. brinquedos e instrumentos musicais (toys and musical instruments)

Made in Brasil (followed by something too small to read)

Fabricado sob licença = Made under license
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby André » Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:30 pm
Thanks Sandra!! :-D

goes very well with Schleich policy in 1980 after the toxic debate in UK in 1978! :lol:

Toys and instruments??

Great to get this translated and this together with the markings and the way these are painted is proof enough for me that they are genuine Schleich licensed smurfs. :-D

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:33 pm

what does Os Smurfs mean on the top?

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Lia » Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:00 pm
Yes , toys and instruments
I`ll show some pics!
Hering accordion.jpg
Hering accordion.jpg (22.85 KiB) Viewed 3735 times
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