April is going to be a month full of changes for me and my family.
The house is coming along fine and is nearly done so I am hoping if we continue at this rate that I can move in about four weeks (I say four weeks as I think the mortgage process will take at least two weeks). Once I am completely moved (can take a bit longer as I will have to wait on the phone company to hook my new house up) I will be selling the single wide trailer for which I have already received offers.
My grandmother's Green Card interview will be April 16th. She and my mother had decided to go for it since Granny is getting older and more feeble and needs to be with her close family. She will be living with my parents who are both retired. Things can change (as they always do with Granny) but as of right now we are thinking that she will come back with Mum who is going over there to be with Granny at the interview which is in Frankfurt.
And the most exciting news for me is that I was offered and accepted a new position with my employer effective April 5th. The new job is a promotion which means a higher job grade and less overtime (so I was told