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Postby JT » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:35 am
These past five months have been really bad for my collecting hobby. I have had very limited amount of cash to spend. Our house needs lots of repairing (about 30% of all intented repairs made this summer). I´ve build new sauna/storage building to replace old one. My kids have needed lots of attention. Had to keep my wife (no we´re not married yet, but it is easier to call her wife) happy too.
Last spring I got little frustrated on collecting. Main reasons were overflow of new Smurf stuff hitting markets and not been able to choose witch ones to consentrate. Too many fakes of rarer Smurfs to make it hard to decide where to put my little money. I failed on choosing few smurfs and it costed me too much at the time. I also got extremely close to my goal to get all regular Smurfs from 20001 to 20936 and there wasn´t any cheap Smurfs to get. Ok, someone mentioned variations. I didn´t like the idea of me having 5-10 different variations of one Smurf with slight tone difference on colors. Don´t get me wrong, it is great that some studies Smurfs that closely and discover new items to collect, it´s just not my thing, yet.
I currently need only 3 Smurfs to complete my regular Smurf collection (if white ice hockey player is not counted in). Green and red cone Smurfs are a bit expensive for now. 20492 Smurf in Egg is cheaper, but not too easy to find.
I also miss few rarer supers and playsets. I don´t even want to think about promos etc.

Last May I packed my Smurfs away for storage and haven´t really decided when if ever I put them on display again. I kinda would like to be more active on collecting and to update my site, but I think I need a little boost to get back in business. Have you got any advise for me?


Postby Tojo » Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:32 am
You wouldn't like to ask something easier JT? :) :)

That is a very difficult question to answer & I can appreciate why your collecting has had to slow down. My collecting seems to go in spurts. Months & months nothing new & then a whole load of smurfs in one go, for example when I got the Play Along sets from the USA & when I bought a load of normal smurfs from SmurfySteve.

I keep active by visiting the forum as often as possible & by the fact that my collection is in my bedroom so it's almost the first thing I see when I wake up.

I don't think there's a simple solution though :-? How about setting yourself some kind of goal?

Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby JT » Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:50 am
I have bought some Smurfs in past few months. 2009 set, baseball smurfette, 40257 & 40258 supers, plush Johan etc.
It´s just that when I read about new discoveries and releases, it seems there´s too many smurfs and too little time. I think first thing is to get my collection back on place where I can see them daily...

Thanks for your comment,
JT :cheers:

Postby Smurfysmurf » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:29 am
Hi JT, :hiya:

First of all,..:welcome: back...you have been very much missed on here

I understand where you are coming from...I am hoping to build a house very soon and this means that my days of splurging on smurfs are over. I still manage to get some smurfs (mainly playalongs right now) but haven't been on ebay in weeks as the temptation is too much.

I keep my interest alive by redoing my website. It's slow going and a lot of work, but by working on it when I have time and feel like it (on the weekends) I won't lose the joy and it keeps me active in the worlds of smurfs. It has also helped me to realize that just because other collectors have rare or not so rare smurfs doesn't meant I have to have those and I can come on the forum and enjoy the pictures of others without thinking this is the next smurf on my list. With this in mind, I enjoy the forum and the posts on here.

Here is a thought for you:
HOw about collecting those simple color variations of "cheap" smurfs...like the gymnast that comes in the red, green, yellow, white shirt..there are a lot of those smurfs and they are easy to find and don't cost too much
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby JT » Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:17 pm
Thanks Maureen :cheers:

You got a point there. I might have tried to rush things a little bit and burned my interest out. I try to regain fun of collecting by consentrating on little joys of it.


Postby SmurfingH » Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:15 pm
Hi JT. Where money's concerned I have exactly the same problem as you. :( I've forced myself to slow down as I've nearly run out of savings. It's scary how much money I've spent in the last 18 months! :shock: I must start saving again or I won't have anything if the dogs get sick, or to go to the smurf fair. Like you, I need 3 smurfs to finish my collection: baseball smurfette, aerobic smurfette (2.0457) and patriot smurf. I would also dearly love a Hexalotte Smurfette!

For the last couple of months I have been concentrating on plush smurfs and have found that, from the UK and Europe at least, there are some real bargains to be had! There are some bargains in the USA too but the postage is the killer. :(

I think Moey's suggestion is a good one. Or you could do what I have done and concentrate on 1 area at a time. Some items are really inexpensive such as badges/buttons and patches. Stickers are fun to collect and easy to store - I keep mine in cheap photo albums. It depends on whether you like the non-PVC items. :-D

I can't keep up with all the new stuff either so I've decided to get only the beanies/plush for now. I don't know what I'll come home from the smurf fair with but it won't be nearly as much as last year!

Postby stampysmurf » Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:59 pm
Hi JT,
I had a lot of what I thought were doubles packed away for many years and brought them out of storage recently and went through the box. I was surprised at how many variations I had and didn't even know it. I know you said that variations wasn't your thing but for me this was like getting a whole bunch of "new" smurfs and it didn't cost me anything. Going through what I already had and taking a closer look at it made fun for me! Also I try to visit the forum as often as I can, it's nice to look at the other collections. I don't go on Ebay as much lately either, Maureen is right, it's too tempting! :) :) when you don't have any money!

Postby JT » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:43 pm
Hi Hilary and stampysmurf :D
Thank you for your comments. You both have seeds of wisdom there. Just reading your posts makes me want to dig up my Smurfs and start to sort them out. Maybe I even buy few, just to see what variations I could get.
I have loads of non-PVC smurf stuff, so there´s one possibility to continue collecting too.

Thank you all. This might have been a boost I needed :cheers:


Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:08 am
:welcome: back Janne!!!

I can understand your problem well from my own perspective. You know that I'm a student and thus, I'm still missing some of the expensive ones either. So I made up my mind by saving some bucks for Blue Paradise, hoping for a great stall to pop up like last year. There was a stall of one former collector, who sold each and every smurf for just 2 € a piece. That's how I came across some really interesting smurfs, e.g. Australian Football pitcher and some interesting variations such as footballer with purple shirt. I save up for the more expensive smurfs as well, as I really want to buy them from a smurf friend.

I can only refrain to what Maureen and Hilary have suggested earlier. There are various ways to keep your interest alive. I, for instance have never stopped to look out for variations. Plus, I also bought some smurfs in bad condition for very cheap prices, hoping to give them both a shelter from the storm and to turn them into some very interesting characters someday. :D

Postby Yonna » Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:12 am
I've been having the same problem a bit. I haven't really been buying any smurfs lately. One reason is that my regular and super collection is full. I am now focusing on variations, but that doesn't inspire me like the basic collection did. I totally get you Janne! I'm lookin gfor inspitarion too! I hope I will find some at the fair in October...that is if I make it there.

I'm sorry that I haven't got any advice to you Janne! All I can say is what ever you do, don't stop collectiong smurfs for good! It's better to collect them now and then rather than giving it up! :hug:
Go ahead! Smurf my day!

Postby JT » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:37 am
Thanks :D
I have to admit that selling whole collection did come to my mind at one dark moment, but I´m glad I didn´t do it.

Like I said, talking about this have helped me lot and I´m already re-thinking my collecting strategies.

And it really feels good to be back and soon to be back in business :)


Postby Tojo » Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:14 am
:-D :-D :-D :-D
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby SmurfingH » Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:39 am
That's great to heart Janne! :-D :cheers:

Yonna - I really hope you make it to the fair this year. Me and Mum will miss you if you don't! :hug: :hug:

Postby FlamingO » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:36 pm
Hi Janne,
I totally understand how you feel. I have not actively added any new additions to my smurfs since the 2009 movie set was released. I had a time after I almost completed my collection (the same as you - 3 to go :) ) when I thought should I sell :eek: but so thankfully I didn't :relieved: :sillyme: I have collected for 30 years and my enthusiasm comes and goes and I now just leave it at that. I am already looking forward to seeing what the next new smurfs will be (and perhaps some new supers :D ) and between that i still enjoy reading about every ones elses collections and the general chit-chat on the forum :-D

Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:28 pm
Hey JT,

Looks like you are trying to conquer the world all at one time. Pace
yourself in your Smurf collecting, as it is a hobby and hobbies were
meant to enjoy yourself and have fun doing it too.
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Postby JT » Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:47 am
Thank you all. You did it! I started to go through my Smurfs and let them out of storage. Boy there´s many of them :)

I soon discovered I need plenty of basic variations and few rarer ones. I think from now on, I can pretty much buy every Smurf I spot as everyone can be new variation.

I also found out that I have few nice ones to spare. I´ll go back to my collection and report back for any new findings :D


Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:14 pm
Thank you all. You did it! I started to go through my Smurfs and let them out of storage. Boy there´s many of them :)

I soon discovered I need plenty of basic variations and few rarer ones. I think from now on, I can pretty much buy every Smurf I spot as everyone can be new variation.

I also found out that I have few nice ones to spare. I´ll go back to my collection and report back for any new findings :D

Good to hear you're back to Smurf Collecting! :D
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Postby SmurfingH » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:39 pm
That's great news Janne! :cheers:

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:43 am
Thank you all. You did it! I started to go through my Smurfs and let them out of storage. Boy there´s many of them :)

I soon discovered I need plenty of basic variations and few rarer ones. I think from now on, I can pretty much buy every Smurf I spot as everyone can be new variation.

I also found out that I have few nice ones to spare. I´ll go back to my collection and report back for any new findings :D


Hej!!! That sounds great. :cheers: :D

Postby Tojo » Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:07 am
That's fantastic news Janne as there really are so many variations out there to be collected :-D
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:
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