These past five months have been really bad for my collecting hobby. I have had very limited amount of cash to spend. Our house needs lots of repairing (about 30% of all intented repairs made this summer). I´ve build new sauna/storage building to replace old one. My kids have needed lots of attention. Had to keep my wife (no we´re not married yet, but it is easier to call her wife) happy too.
Last spring I got little frustrated on collecting. Main reasons were overflow of new Smurf stuff hitting markets and not been able to choose witch ones to consentrate. Too many fakes of rarer Smurfs to make it hard to decide where to put my little money. I failed on choosing few smurfs and it costed me too much at the time. I also got extremely close to my goal to get all regular Smurfs from 20001 to 20936 and there wasn´t any cheap Smurfs to get. Ok, someone mentioned variations. I didn´t like the idea of me having 5-10 different variations of one Smurf with slight tone difference on colors. Don´t get me wrong, it is great that some studies Smurfs that closely and discover new items to collect, it´s just not my thing, yet.
I currently need only 3 Smurfs to complete my regular Smurf collection (if white ice hockey player is not counted in). Green and red cone Smurfs are a bit expensive for now. 20492 Smurf in Egg is cheaper, but not too easy to find.
I also miss few rarer supers and playsets. I don´t even want to think about promos etc.
Last May I packed my Smurfs away for storage and haven´t really decided when if ever I put them on display again. I kinda would like to be more active on collecting and to update my site, but I think I need a little boost to get back in business. Have you got any advise for me?