Hi All; I went to Toys R Us after work today. Woo Hoo they also have a big box of Smurfs there. I had just spent my daly limit of $600 so I couldn't get any.

Not really I did just pay my rent so I had no cash with me. I will go back tomorrow though after I get more money. My box had pretty much all the Movie Smurfs, Party Smurfs, American Indian Smurfs, And a few of the classic Smurfs. Also there was a 20418 Gargamel hands up. Either a lead guitar player or base 20450 or 20449. and a 20465 fireman in the box. The box said 50 count and I counted around 40 so someone else had beat me to them and I don't know what was taken. I thought about running to the bank and getting some more money but decided not to bacuse of traffic at that time. Gerda they are in a smaller box but kind of looks the same as the others on front. but has a flap that opens to a back display. They have tags just like most of the new ones.