Here you are my story again...
My relation with the smurfs is old,old...I´m going to tell you...
When I was eight years old, Smurfs began to appear in Spanish Tv, and my parents regale to me and my twin brother ten smurfs...The first one I saw when I opened the box with the present was Nr 20009, smurf with a drum...I can´t forget it...From this day, my father carried us every saturday to Sevilla to buy some smurfs. My brother got bored, but I continued...I played everyday with my little blue imps( because of this, some of them are damaged...but never mind)....... I had about 180 smurfs in my collection...and suddenly Smurfs were not at the stores, and not at TV...My parents usually went to Holland, Belgium, Swizerland, and Germany, and they always brought to me smurfs...But it was so difficult to them to find smurfs for me, and to remember which ones I had...My collection stopped
Years and years passed, I loved smurfs but it was impossible to find new smurfs in Spain...I grew, I went to the secondary school and my sisters began to give birth a lot of childs...They liked smurfs and they always wanted to touch them. So I decided to put them in a year, two years, three years...more and more...
In 1992 I began Chemistry in the university, and suddenly somebody spoke to me about smurfs....I decided to take out them, and my collection continued again...In my travels, I looked for smurfs...Internet appeared...I got my first job as a teacher of Chemistry and Physics, and I began to spent money in one of the things I loved more: SSSSSMMMUUUURFFFFSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But my real passion about smurfs began again at PASSION 2006!!!!It was incredible to meet personally people with the same passion than yours: smurfs...
As most of you know, I have not stopped