All the Targets and Walmarts I went to this week (2 of each) had plenty of smurfs (actually the Targets are pretty much sold out now). Target had about one of each of the houses but the Walmarts had a pretty large section of smurfs and a lot of everything. The prices were different and higher at Walmart though, which was interesting as it usually is the other way round. The house sets were about $1.00 higher at Walmart so I got them at Target and ordered more online.
My house looks like a smurf store at the moment...which will change tonight when I pack it all up
Here is how it looks right now after a week of smurf shopping....Mogli looks like he is ready to shop now...or to move out
Another interesting thing I seems that each store had 1 Handy playset only...I'd be interested to learn if that is true for others as well and if this means the Handy playset may be rarer. There were a bunch of Papa & Brainys to make up for it though. Also Walmart only had the plush display boxes but not the playset ones (needless to say the two Targets I visisted no longer have any display boxes right now)
My Walmart had the same prices as Gerda's...Target's are as following:
Plushes and Playsets $5.99
Houses $14.99
But like I said..the Targets in my area are sold out

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