Thanks for all your nice messages.
I was sleeping...(lol)
The diorama is a Ferrero house for the 2008 German Kinder figurines. Usually to show the set in the shops, it was sold around 90 euros on ebay (Germany).
The cake is an epiphany cake with a smurf feve inside. It's delicious (the cake, not the feve).... lol.
The size of the Leblon is 18 cms, I don't know how to translate this in feet mesure...
Giant feves (20 cms) and maxi village of feves were sold in a french supermarket, Cora, for 25 € for feves and 45 € for the village with 10 feves.
I hope I answered at all your questions and hoping you could understand me (my english language is not perfect at all)...
Thanks again.
I was lucky to receive one of the German dvds with the figures thanks to Moey which was a great surprise. Other than that I didn't receive any other smurfy items.....but I did get a very nice Philadelphia Flyers jersey (ice hockey) complete with "Dyar" on the back which I thought was very cool.
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