Hi Gerta; YOU MEAN YOU HAVE MORE? I hope Max doesn't get ahold of the check. LOL I can leave Max out of his cage as long as the mail man has already came. Or he doen't come on that day. He is good then. It looks like I am on here all the time. I am usually looking at someone's website. There are lots of them and lots of great one's. I need to get one myself. I don't even have cable yet. Small step for Man Giant leap for Me.
That sound familiar for some reason. LOL
P.S. I thought I changed small step for man to Smurf. OH well.
P.S.S. I have been looking through Syd's site it is very impressive. I missed the Misc part Lot of stuff there. I didn't see that plate I just bought last week on there. But he has a lot of stuff too.
P.S.S.S. I don't know if I want to visit Gerda's or Tojo's More he has Beer.

but she has German Food. And is a lot closer. Do they sale beer in Ripon?