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Postby bwalters » Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:26 pm
Dang Gerta; Is there anything that you don't have? I was just looking over your stie for about the 10th time (salivating). Other than the two puffy sticker packs I have and you don't. You have 50 times the stuff that I have. How big is the wharehouse you keep it all in? If you haven't looked at her site you should. Plan on take several hours to see it all. Rachel's site is also impressive. When people come to my house all they can say is darn you have a lot of Smurf stuff. I have some in the living room (watch case and collectors center). My Ceramic figures are in the kitchen and everything else is in the spare bedroom. About the only thing I collected from 1984 to 1998 was an old farm house and about 3 Smurfs I didn't have I found at a garage sale. I saw some Hardie's Smurf glasses at a flea market once but I already had 4 sets of each and 72 alltogher (only have 28 left).
Mr Bill

Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:05 am
:) :) :) :)

How much did you pay him, Gerda? :o

:) :) :) :)

Seriously though, Gerda has an amazing collection and is probably the only reason I wouldn't mind visiting Wisconsin one day (kidding again..I'd also go for the cheese and the German food).

I wouldn't be surprised if Gerda has one of the largest US collections of smurfs and smurfy items :cheers:
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby bwalters » Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:38 am
I would have to agree about the largest US collection. All the websites I have gone to in the last seveal months have been impressive. It seems that most of them only collect PVC's, houses and playsets, and lots of them, but she has everything.
Mr Bill

Postby Gerda » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:03 am
checks in the mail bill :D just kidding.

actually you are making me blush.. sad thing is I have so many more things to add to it yet that I haven't had time to do. I'm slowly working on my pvcs though.

All my smurfs are in my house. I have a big cabinet for all my pvc figures except the supers, ontop I have a display with smurf a grams. then I have two more cabinets for all my ceramic figures and glasses. A large german shrank keeps my mugs and books. Then I have a storage area where I keep things in clear rubbemaid containers for easy access. Once the kids leave I plan on haveing a smurf room (if they ever leave :) )

thank you though for the compliment!! It makes the work I put into it worth while!! :cheers: :cheers:


ps I'm always open to visitors!! I have plenty of cheese and german food.
happily smurfing along

Postby Tojo » Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:21 am
I'm always open to visitors!! I have plenty of cheese and german food.
Me too but I also have beer :cheers: :) So if anyone is ever near Frankfurt, let me know.

Whenever I'm looking for something I haven't seen before I either look at Gerda's or Dyar's websites as they both have a lot of stuff. If I'm looking for Sockels then I often check out Maureen's site as well.

Actually, there are loads of great websites out there :D
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby SmurfingH » Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:58 pm
I love Gerda's site too. :-D And Moey's, and Dyar's, and lots and lots of them. :) :)

Postby bwalters » Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:11 pm
Hi Gerta; YOU MEAN YOU HAVE MORE? I hope Max doesn't get ahold of the check. LOL I can leave Max out of his cage as long as the mail man has already came. Or he doen't come on that day. He is good then. It looks like I am on here all the time. I am usually looking at someone's website. There are lots of them and lots of great one's. I need to get one myself. I don't even have cable yet. Small step for Man Giant leap for Me.
That sound familiar for some reason. LOL
P.S. I thought I changed small step for man to Smurf. OH well.
P.S.S. I have been looking through Syd's site it is very impressive. I missed the Misc part Lot of stuff there. I didn't see that plate I just bought last week on there. But he has a lot of stuff too.
P.S.S.S. I don't know if I want to visit Gerda's or Tojo's More he has Beer. :cheers: but she has German Food. And is a lot closer. Do they sale beer in Ripon?
Mr Bill

Postby CapriSmurf » Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:39 am
:beersmurf: Gerda, What a superb collection and very imformative. Spent hours looking through your site last night.

Postby Gerda » Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:55 am
:beersmurf: Gerda, What a superb collection and very imformative. Spent hours looking through your site last night.
thank you :D

Bill, I can get beer, Wisconsin is known for lots and lots of different beers. I have a friend who use to live up here now lives down in TN (no not Maureen) and she always requests special beer when i see her or she comes up here. I'm not into the beer so I don't pay much attention to it. BUT I have plenty of coffee :-D
you don't have cable :shock: I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my tv.. or my internet
happily smurfing along

Postby bwalters » Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:38 am
I used to have cable. This not only happened once but several times. I have a lot of baseball cards. I bought a program that has ever card from 1948 to 1998 already in it. Names, team, price all you have to do is tell it you have 1 or 100. Anyway it took many hours to put them in my computer. I would get up in the morning get coffee and sit down and start entering cards. My room mate was at work. I put the TV on the chanel that tells what is on and start putting my cards in. When my room mate came home around 5pm it would still be on that chanel. I still don't watch it much. I get local TV and have a digital converter but I don't like it. Its not hooked up.
Mr Bill

Postby bwalters » Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:50 pm
Hi All; I must say that I have spent all day looking through websites. All very impressive in their own ways. I went through Dyar's again to see if I missed something. I went through JT's site, and Christy's. I have been through a lot of them in the past several months. I even went to a few today that I don't remember who's they were. For the most parts I didn't remember because I couldn't read them and would get to a point I didn't know what to do, and just closed it out. Oh wait most of the time I don't know what I'm doing on the one's in english either. LOL
Mr Bill
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