Hi Mark,
What a great banner

and your website name is great
Your little picture with Gargamel and the saying "I will get this smurf" made me laugh, what a wonderful idea
I like the blue background but for some reason I had a hard time reading the black text on it. I am not sure if the background was too dark or if the font of your text was too small for my eyes
The same about the yellow buttons. While I think the yellow in your banner is great, it did hurt my eyes a bit looking at the yellow buttons. I noticed that when my mouse hovered over the buttons the text changed to blue, which I really liked. I am not sure if you can change the font of those buttons but it might be worth a try to play with that.
I like the layout of the buttons and that you have an extra section for your wanted and trade items
It was great to see the YouTube clips of the Dutch cartoon intros
I am really looking forward seeing your site develop, and I am sure I will return often to it. As soon as you give the go ahead I will return the favor and put a link on my site for yours.
Overall, all I can do is

You have done an awful lot in just a few days...and you have done an awesome job

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