I guess it is like having the communal underpants... whoever is wearing them at the time gets everyones undivided attention.
Once again I find myself quoting myself.. I guess this proves that because I never bothered to learn shakespear, I have now just resorted to making up my own quotes...
Its 2:30am here and I can't sleep because of this mental image... Picture this if you will. I see something a cross between Jim Carey's "The mask" where the all-powerful underwear attaches itself to the wearer's nether region with a certain level of force and giving the wearer such powers as we see in our super hero admins. We also saw this when Clark Kent wore his lycra speedos he became superman, then on his day off he passed the mantel on to Bruce Wayne who -on wearing them - became Batman. Batman liked to show Robin "who wears the pants", and thus Robin eyeing the aforementioned crusty dacks is reminded to pass them on to Spiderman next. "With great power comes great responsibility" we understand this to mean that Spiderman used his spiderwebs as the washing line. Thus we come to these pants of responsibility again and I am now reminded of "the sisterhood of the traveling pants"... Oh dear...
Disturbed?? You should be, fair citizens.
Sorry I think I have missed the thread of this topic again.... I guess the admins are going to don their mighty smurf britches and reveal the plot had something to do with a calendar or something.... as for me, its nearly 3am on a Wednesday... I never could get the hang of Wednesdays!