Honestly Attom...if I walked into that village during that attack.....I have no idea who I would be more scared of....Gargamel or the smurfs.
Great pics once again...you really have the knack for doing pics with a great village scene or market place look.
I take my clothes off to Mrs Dyar....but I will always take my hat off to you Attom.
hi! Mrs Dyar must be one freaked out lady?? I sure would prefer the HAT!
teasin yah!
and thanks all !! it was fun takin these pics ! here is what happened a few hours later!
once they chased GArgamel away!
they must always be on guard! its like having a bad smurf that doesn't stop/.. he keeps harassing the peaceful village!
you never know when he will strike!!
hehehehehe! so watch the headline news!
( all smurfs in these pics a fakes! including the one large house.)