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Postby Guest » Thu Nov 25, 2004 3:45 am
I'm trying to find out how I order the Schonwald sockels when they come out. I know who I get them from but as I don't speak German they haven't responded to my emails. Can anyone who speaks German or lives in Germany help me with this? :(

Postby IndigoSmurf » Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:49 pm
Hi Karen! I don't know how to get them... they're great though. I just replaced my ruined Santa one and bought the Hiker one as well. I wonder what they'll have in 2005....


Postby pekkelien » Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:01 am
hope you will get some
its a resort park in germany isnt it
did you contact them or schleich?

Postby Guest » Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:29 am
I think it is the Black Forest. I've got the contact telephone number for them, I just don't speak German. :(

Postby pekkelien » Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:08 pm
have you contacted schleich germany yet maybe they can arrange it for you

Postby Guest » Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:42 pm
No they won't get involved with specials like this, like the Malteser Smurfs, Schleich Germany would not divulge where to get those from and were surprised I even knew about them!

Postby Rachel » Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:35 pm
Hi Karen, have you tried phoning? You never know, someone may speak English, I was pleasantly suprised when I phoned Germany about my big Papa smurf.
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Fram » Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:36 pm
Don't mention the war!
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Guest » Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:05 pm
Yes I tried phoning and they don't speak good enough English. What war? :-?
Postby hugofilia » Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:55 pm
If you give me the phone number , i can try , i have a VERY good friend in Germany. Maybe it iis worthed
I love to create situation with smurfs and change or add colors.

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:47 pm
Don't mention the war!
It's Fram Cleese....from Framty Towers

Postby pekkelien » Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:13 am
i think fram meant ww1 and ww2
maybe fram starts a ww3 when he mentions it to germans

Postby Fram » Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:20 am
Like Dyar said, it's a legendary quote from 'FawltyTowers'...
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Guest » Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:33 am
I remember that quote now, if I had heard him actually say it I would know what he meant, LOL

Talking of the War, I received this lovely email from a school teacher in the UK the other day saying he was trying to trace relatives of a young man killed on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. Here is what he wrote: -
Yes, I meant the Goates from Broughton, North Lincs. I've just discovered how many other Broughtons there are. I've been trying to research Sidney Goates, who was a pupil at Sir John Nelthorpe School, Brigg, and whose name appears on our war memorial plaque.
So far I know that he enlisted at London into the 1/14th Battalion London regiment (London Scottish). He was killed on the first day of the Somme, July 1st 1916, at Gommecourt. This was the northern extreme of the Somme battlefield, and the attack was supposed to be a diversion to help the troops further south. The London Scottish completed their part of an encircling movement around the south of Gommecourt Wood, but the troops who should have met up from the north were prevented by shellfire. The London Scottish were then isolated, and bore the full brunt of the German defenders. Of the 871 soldiers who went over the top, 616 were casualties, of whom 558 were killed. Sidney Goates was among these, and his body was never recovered. A copy of the school newsletter from Spring 1917 mentions that he is still missing, and there is a brief tribute to him from an officer who also attended the school. He was 19.
The 1901 census lists his parents as being John and Sarah, of Village Street, Broughton. His father was a tailor. I assume that you have probably found this information already, but I can give the full census details if you wish.
On this Friday morning 40 pupils from Sir John Nelthorpe School will be travelling to Belgium and France for a study of the literature of the Great War. On Saturday we will be laying a wreath at the Thiepval Memorial, where Sidney Goates is listed among those who have no known grave. I'll try to get a picture of his name, if it is not too high up. We tried in vain to find a picture of one of people on the school memorial - do you have a photo of this young man? I can leave a message from his family at the memorial too, if you can get back in touch before tomorrow night.

Best wishes
Dave Waite
(English teacher)
He had found my name because I am also descended from the Goates family of Broughton and Sidney was a descendant of the same family. I guess I was easy to find because there are not many people called Goates in this country, or there weren't years ago. My name has never been Goates (just wanted to add that :) ) but my great-grandfather was born with that name, although he changed it to Todd.

This man sent me a photo of the war grave when they returned which was a really nice thought.

My other big passion besides Smurfs is Family History, you might have guessed that after this long post, but I thought I would share this with you all seeing as are talking about the war.

John I will dig out the number and let you know thanks. :D

Postby Tojo » Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:26 pm
Hi Karen,

I'm originally from Devon but have been living & working in Germany for the last 13 years. I speak fluent German & my wife is German so if you need a translation please let me know.

keep on smurfing,


Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:00 pm
Hi Tojo

It's nice to see you join up with us lunatics in this smurfy asylum.

There is a cool song titled "Tojo" by Australian rock band Hoodoo Gurus....sorry I just had to mention that.



Postby Tojo » Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:33 pm
Hi Dyar,

I spent a year down under from '90 - '91. I was given the nickname Tojo by some girls I met while working in Sydney. While I was there I bought many CD's from Aussie bands mostly by Ratcat but also by the Hoodoo Gurus & I have Electric Soup which includes the song 'Tojo'. I loved Australia & went back for a 5 week holiday 8 years ago with my wife (a German who I met whilst picking sultana grapes near Mildura). You guys & gals out there in Australia are soooo lucky to live in such a great place.

cheers from cold Germany

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:40 pm
That's why it's dubbed 'The Lucky Country'.....it seems you got quite lucky down here as well when you met your wife.

I breifly worked with the singer of Ratcat (Simon) in 1997 at MTV out here and he was very laid back and cool.

I am glad you knew the reference to the Hoodoo Gurus song and they are one of my all time favourite Aussie bands. I am also glad that you have had the experience of meeting plenty of Aussies as now you know it's not just us that are on this forum, the whole country was born this way...lol

Nice to meet you

Dyar....from air conditioned Australia
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