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Postby nperasmus » Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:00 pm
Did anyone else see this auction on Ebay? I took a screen capture I was so stunned at the price! :stars:


Anyone have reactions to this?

Postby paolo » Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:41 am
Didn't you buy the bellringer for 3000 euros, did you?

Postby smurfurious » Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:38 am
Yes , 3000 euros is a very good price ! Unfortunately pricey for some others , and also not enough prototypes to complete everybody collections ... By the way , you have selled a lot of BP smurfs and get enough to pay yourself a prototype isn't it ???

Postby paolo » Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:11 am
Not even close!
I still have 4 of them if you want.
Postby nperasmus » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:18 pm
It is true that I did win the Bellringer smurf on Ebay. However there was a Paypal problem and that gave me a little more time to think. I came to the conclusion that NO smurf is worth 3000 Euros!!! I have the money but honestly how can one begin to justify that much money for a piece of PVC - no matter how cute it is. I asked the seller to relieve me of my obligation and offer it to the next highest bidder - which he kindly did. I intend to build a beautiful smurf cabinet instead.

Postby SmurfingH » Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:05 am
I'm afraid that's my point of view too. Not that I have that kind of money to begin with! I can understand you being carried away with the bidding though. :D
Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:54 am
It is true that I did win the Bellringer smurf on Ebay. However there was a Paypal problem and that gave me a little more time to think. I came to the conclusion that NO smurf is worth 3000 Euros!!! I have the money but honestly how can one begin to justify that much money for a piece of PVC - no matter how cute it is. I asked the seller to relieve me of my obligation and offer it to the next highest bidder - which he kindly did. I intend to build a beautiful smurf cabinet instead.
I agree with you. That's why I wouldn't spend more than 150 Euro on a very rare smurf. :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:10 am
I feel the same way Dominique. There are so many other cool things you could spend your money on than smurfs when it comes to that amount of money. No problemo if you have more money than what you know what to do with it......but I guess I'm not that fortunate and just find so many other things in life far more appealing and satisfying.


Postby bundleofkent » Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:48 pm
Come on Andrew it may not be your idea of money well spent but don't do the people down with your tone viz"more appealing and satisfying things"

I know one of the buyers paid for one of these original protos over 12 months.

There are a lot of things I find more appealing and satisfying than getting pissed and going to Hooters but I don't do you down for it.

It's a hobby at the end of the day just let people get on with it in peace and quiet, pass comment , yes, but don't let your personal feelings get in the way (which i'm sorry to say I'm doing now)


Postby eggie smurf » Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:12 pm
but I don't do you down for it.
Sounds like you just did, Martin...I don't think he's putting anyone down the way you just did publicly.

And you didn't go off on the other three people who posted before Dyar (which you shouldn't anyway)...it just appears you have a personal problem here. I thought this forum was for expressing your own personal opinions and not coming down on people for what they think. I also know that everyone on this forum has hobbies outside of smurf collecting that they may focus on more at certain times and decide to spend their money there instead of on smurfs at those certain times. When you have a limited amount of money, you need to decide where it is best spent and if you have unlimited amount of money, good on you so you have the opportunity to not have to make a decision like the folks above.
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:53 pm
Nicely put, Stace :D

I admit, I was a bit taken aback, too that you took Dyar's opinion personal, Martin. I honestly don't think it was meant personal and was just a valid expression of Dyar's opinion.

At the end of the day, I think, we all agree that one of the great things about smurf collecting is that it leaves room for people who do not have the money or choose not to spend over a certain amount of money on a smurf and also is a great hobby for people who choose to find a way to get the really rare smurfs at any cost.

I do hope this is a big enough forum for both kinds of collectors
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:59 am
:) :) :) ...Martin you're kidding aren't you?

Come on Andrew it may not be your idea of money well spent but don't do the people down with your tone viz"more appealing and satisfying things"
I wasn't under the impression I was putting people down for it.....I was speaking for just myself and the others above me who all felt that was too much for us personally to spend on 1 smurf. We weren't saying others shouldn't do it or that they were crazy for doing it. I think you will find most people on this forum, and indeed the rest of the world would agree with me....so it's not really a shocking statement or anything and what I said was never directed at anybody or trying to put people down. I think you just got it wrong again Martin....a bit like the getting pissed and going to Hooters bit.....which I took as a direct attempt to have a go at me. For your information.....they are not my hobbies in the slightest. I hardly ever drink at all and as for the Hooters bit.....well you failed to see I was having a laugh and just basically taking the piss out of what Hooters is all about. I was just having fun.....look it up in the dictionary it's not a bad thing.


Postby bundleofkent » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:05 am
Mate don't tell me how to have fun I know how.

It was not a personal attack on you either. I don't mind you saying you wouldn't pay so much money for a single smurf -we all have to have a limit. However by personally qualifying it with phrases like "so many other cool things to spend your money on" and your last sentence regarding more appealing and satisfying things in life is introducing a reverential patronising tone.

A few collectors have these smurfs and have spent a lot of money on them (myself included). I do not have "more money than I know what to do with" (paraphrased), far from it. Does that mean I'm not cool?

Admit Andrew you could have expressed yourself a little more conservatively. There is definitely a quasi critical feel to your statement.

I understand your generic sentiments but there is no need to qualify them the way you did. Think about the people who do own these smurfs and put yourself in their position. Are they sad/geeky for doing what they did? When you infer certain things then expect criticism back.

in any case why are people being so critical of these prices? Shouldn't you be celebrating the fact that they are attracting expensive prices? Surely it reflects a burgeoning market which is great for everyone involved in the hobby. These prices are the kind of thing that gets noticed in the press and attracts more collectors etc...

I thought it was just the English who habitually knock people and are constantly negative, it's easy to be this way- being positive takes effort.

I know that some of your fire for collecting has gone Andrew that was evident from an email you sent me and I'm presuming your opinions reflect this to a degree.

I still think your a good lad but you should be more careful when you're posting ( I think). You could have said "I agree with you Dominique" and left it that.

And actually anyone else who's having a pop at people who choose to pay these prices- don't bring any of your own personal criticisms into it or expect to be criticised back

To Staci: I know you are very close to Andrew. I didn't read anyone else's criticisms last night but have done now. It doesn't matter who you are to me, I felt I had to defend some of these issues.


Postby FlamingO » Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:46 pm
Anyone have reactions to this?
Yes, my reaction is - about as expected :-D . Items increase in value relative to availability against demand - thousands of smurf collectors, few of this smurf = high price 8)

When it comes to an item like this I think I would view it as saving / investing money rather than spending money :cool: .

If (and I wouldn't) I was to buy a designer pair of shoes for a few hundred quid, after my sweaty feet have been in them on the dance floor for a few nights they would be worthless and even my most loved would sling them from the house. This for me would be spending money :( .

If I was to buy a piece of art, or an antique, a nice collectable or even a smurf :shock: then this would just be a nice way of having some rainy day/ savings/ old age cash being a bit more enjoyable then looking at a £ sign on a bank statement. OK maybe slightly higher risk ? hmmm... that would be debatable :lol:

Postby naish510 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:49 pm
Anyone have reactions to this?
Yes, my reaction is - about as expected :-D . Items increase in value relative to availability against demand - thousands of smurf collectors, few of this smurf = high price 8)

When it comes to an item like this I think I would view it as saving / investing money rather than spending money :cool: .

If (and I wouldn't) I was to buy a designer pair of shoes for a few hundred quid, after my sweaty feet have been in them on the dance floor for a few nights they would be worthless and even my most loved would sling them from the house. This for me would be spending money :( .

If I was to buy a piece of art, or an antique, a nice collectable or even a smurf :shock: then this would just be a nice way of having some rainy day/ savings/ old age cash being a bit more enjoyable then looking at a £ sign on a bank statement. OK maybe slightly higher risk ? hmmm... that would be debatable :lol:
:iagree: that's my opinion too

Postby smurfurious » Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:38 pm
WELL SAID MARTIN !!!!!!! :cheers: :D :cheers: :D :cheers: :D :cheers: :D :cheers:

Postby Smurfysmurf » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:59 pm
I thought it was just the English who habitually knock people and are constantly negative
No, there is at least one more nation who is very very good at doing that.. :D

This has turned out to be a pretty interesting discussion in the end though, and I loved reading other's opinions about collecting.

I have to admit that I never or only for a very short time, have considered my collection an investment, and only buy what catches my fancy (and what I can afford), which explains the stuff I collect and why I don't have really rare smurfs. I collect smurfs as a hobby because I like them ..sometimes more and sometimes less, which is reflected in how much or little I buy at times. I do get mad when I see sellers trying to make a profit of a rare smurf by faking it and it has turned me off ebay, which was my only source for smurfs. Since I can't tell by a picture if a smurf is genuine or not, I chose not to spent the money on something that might turn out to be fake, but this is my personal opinion. Everybody knows that I have been in some heated bidding wars (even against forum members at times) if I really wanted something :) :)

I personally do feel that some of the prices are overflated, but I feel the same way when I see a normal smurf being sold for $10.00. Some of my most precious smurfs aren't the ones I spent a lot of money on if any at all but the ones that have a personal meaning to me, like the ones that I got from my Granny because she felt so bad for giving my childhood smurfs away or the ones I got at Passion or from friends or that I won at a competition.

I do get great enjoyment out of looking at other collector's colletions or rare smurfs and most amazingly, I am not jealous of them. I know I do ask questions about smurfs and if they are genuine, but never ever meant this in a bad way. Anybody who knows me knows that I would have made a good reporter as I can be very detail oriented with my questions.

Anyway, that was my input ...again.... and I would really be interested how others view their collections
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby Lia » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:50 pm
I think, during collecting, as years are passing by, you want more special pieces and you invest more money.
And at a certain point, there is a bellringer for sale ( I don`t own one)......or a SLA..... or a WIWA :lol:
Of course, everyone will have a limit, but I can understand the collectors, who are willing to pay for an unique smurf.


Postby steveparkes » Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:47 am
Over the years I've been collecting smurfs, I've seen smurfs gaining more popularity with more and more collectors. Promo smurfs and variation smurfs have always been my thing, I know not why, they just really interest me..I guess it must be because of them being made in such few numbers. Because of this, sometimes you have to pay a higher price for a figure. Like everybody, I have a cut-off point where I think, I can't afford that, not I wouldn't spend it if I had the money..just I can't afford it.

It's very hard in this day and age to find a rare or promo smurf for a 'bargin' (even harder if you live in the smurf free zone of the UK)..the last one I did manage to get for a bargin price was the blue toothbrush, who cost me a few pounds..but then I got the chance of getting a Gloria..and although it cost me the most I've ever paid for 1 single smurf, it was too much of a bargin to pass.

I guess what I am trying to say is, it depends completely on what people feel THEY can spend on a smurf, just because I couldn't afford a rare prototype myself I do get joy out of knowing someone who really wants it gets it and it goes to a good home.

I don't really consider my smurfs and investment, as I don't know if the bottom will fall out of the smurf market..I just buy them because I really really want it..after having stared at a photo in a catalogue for over 15 years, it's great to finally have something you never thought you'd ever be able to put into your collection.
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby naish510 » Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:19 am
I totally agree with you Steve, but for me it's hard to explain what i want to say in english because i don't always know how to write, how i feel or what i mean i a language that i don't know that well.
But i think it is a kind of an investment. If you buy a nice pair of shoes from Gucci or whatever kind of name, if you want to sell them a few years later, you don't get the money you paid for or even a bit less then that. Same with a nice car. But if you buy a piece of art or antique you are almost sure you will have your money back or even make a profit of it. I think with the smurfs it's kind of the same. I'm not talking about the normal smurfs or super smurfs. But of the prototypes and some of the promos. The value is always what the people wants to pay for it.
And i am proud to own a prototype :D .
I had to save for that smurf too. But that's the nice thing about collecting. To search and save for a smurf you wanted already for a long time.
And i'm happy if someone has found some rare smurfs, it's nice to see pictures of them and learn more about them.
I hope this topic doesn't make a war between some people. This is a forum to talk about smurfs and we just have to respect each other with their choices even if we don't agree at all. This is a smurf forum and not a war forum. I like it when i see nice topics on the forum. Like all the different minimodels there are, some other markings etc.. but please don't make a fight.
I hope i haven't effend (don't know if it the right word :) ) someone.
Because if you think that, it was not my meaning to do that.
Sorry for my bad english, but i'm trying to do my very best.
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