I never realised how dependent I was to this forum until it goes down, then i'm checking it almost every hour just to see if it is back up. Weirdest message that poped up for me when checking the forum was that it was undergoing a "Debugging" So who did you de bug steve?
Glad we're back. Nice work Steve. This almost always happens when you update a phpbb forum. The most important thing is you didn't lose useraccounts and posts
Thanks Dutchie..no accounts or posts lost I'm happy to say, but the photos are strange..the attach is still working, but alot of the photos from previous posts aren't showing..if you see a post of yours without a picture, can you edit it and re-attach?
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.
I still can't attach photos to my posts. I just tried to start a new post saying that the Schönwald smurfs have arrived & wanted to add a picture of them all & got this message
Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ./files/sch_nwald_bottles.jpg.