Thanks for letting us know what IMPS said Paolo and Thanks Francesca for the link to their updated news.
Let's hope that the smurfs go to the people who love's them the most ...
(that will be us , the Blue Cavern Forum members)
But I'm afraid Steve will be right : These Smurfs will be sold for to much money on Ebay ..
I totally agree that it would be such a shame if we as long term smurfers are unable to get one of these beautiful smurfs or that we end up having to pay large amounts on Ebay.
I have actually contacted IMPS on behalf of the members here to see if there is any way that we can get them directly from them. I mentioned our concern about Ebay prices and also the fact we have many members who don't live in Europe. I also asked a few other smurfy questions. I will of course let you know if I hear anything back.
I suppose if the worst comes to the worst we will have to try and sort out a plan so that if any members here are lucky enough to make it to one the cities visited, then they could try and pick up / buy as many of these smurfs as possible.