I thought it might be a good idea to try and report on all the various articles and TV mentions here in one thread so it will be easier to keep an eye on what is happening.
So far I think we have heard of TV mentions on CNN, Sky News, Euro News and of course the appearance of our very own sisters, Michelle and Veronique.
I will try and copy as many of the links which have already been posted in other threads here this evening but if anyone else wants to add any links or articles, please feel free to do so.
Also, a big Thanks to all of our smurfy reporters who have been keeping us up to date on all the media coverage so far.

Here is the link to the official happysmurfday site:
Here is another German article on the 50th anniversary of the Smurfs from the Lübecker Nachrichten (a local newspaper) incl. a very lovely interview with Peyo's widow Nine and their son Thierry Culliford. This article also states out many interesting news, that there will be some free smurfs given away to children in twenty cities in fifteen countries, which they may then create as they please. And no longer, Smurfette shall remain the only female smurf. [Note, but there are Granny and Sassette,aren't they?]
[Note: This article is featured in many local German newspapers]
Here's another two page article taken out from "Focus", a political magazine including a pic of Nine Culliford. Thierry and Nine both insist that Peyo wasn't much into drawing, but he choose blue in order to distinguish the smurfs from the woods. It also mentions that the script is the making.
http://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/tid-8 ... 33413.html
In case you have sateilite watch out for Euronews. This is the script of their report:
http://www.euronews.net/index.php?page= ... 4547&lng=3
In keeping with the flurry of smurfy info in the media, there's a short bizarre video on the Sky news website here:
http://video.news.sky.com/?videoSourceI ... 140108.flv
It's filmed at the Comic Museum in Brussels. Doesn't have much sound, but it's always nice to see smurfs
Apart from also mentioning the free smurfs to be given away to children, this article claims that celebrities will repaint some 1,50 m sized smurfs with all profits going to UNICEF.
Here's a script of Swiss news show "SF DRS tagesschau" (not to be confused with the German news show of the same name):
http://tagesschau.sf.tv/nachrichten/arc ... geburtstag
Yippie.. the smurfs made it on the news.. I just saw a news story about the smurfs 50th anniversary. It was broadcast on the cnn headline news here in the states. I did not catch all that was said as I happen to be on the phone with my mom when all of a sudden there was a smurf on tv... I screamed 'SMURFS" and then told my mother to shut up (that did not go over too good) The report said something about the comic strip and peyo and how the anniversary is being celebrated in Belgium. It showed a picture of a very large astro figure (I think this is a statue that I remember seeing a picture of before here on the forum, maybe something that is outside the museum??) then it showed people dressed as smurfs doing some sort of olympic type fun games...
on small step for smurfs comeback!!!![]()
you know it will be a good day when the smurfs make it on tv!! Yes I will get excited about this as it is not every day that us poor american folk get smurfs broadcasted anywhere!!
@all: Here you can watch the video.
(You need to scroll down the playlist to find the video. Hence there it is slient only!!!)
Here is the better version which also includes an interview with the director of the Brussels comic strip museum.
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ ... vsmurf0114
Has anyone else seen this yet? There isn't much information yet but there are some neat downloads at leastIt looks like this could be interesting to follow.
Here are a few more links but I am sure we will be finding more this evening and over the next few days.

http://www.portfolio.com/news-markets/n ... h-birthday
Reuters News Agency
http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssTech ... 2320080114
Woo Hoo