To Beers.......damn straight

.....I mean, about Moey....not about us of course
Just how crazy are you??
If you have to ask, consider yourself very lucky

Too late Stace.......Duckie has asked and now must suffer the consequences
As to you little miss Moey
"Dyar and Beers are bound to start dancing and kissing all over each other in public"
public or pubic?
"Stace and I will get Dyar to drink bunches of moonshine..(didn't take that much persuasion..none actually)"
Well they offered me a light beer to start with whgich was making me think...what type of a party have you brought me to Moey.....I loved it when their eyes lit up when I asked for something a little......stronger......didn't expect moonshhine.....but that was definately a LOT stronger
"Stace will have too much fun with a poor cookie cat"
Could be worse...could of been a poor defenceless frog
"Dyar and Stace will survive (even if only barely) Krystals"
Who said we actually survived? I had a nightmare the other day that a crazed lunatic dropped his axe and started chasing me with a Krystal burger....the horror, the horror
"Stace will throw me to the wolves aka Jeremy"
Jeremy isn't a wolf....just a horn dog by the sounds of it
"Beers and I promise the next time we meet will be right in the middle of our two countries (aka the middle of the Atlantic Ocean)"
Are you planning on drowning Moey again Beers?

I think she liked that Jeremy way too much.....I was there, I, double
"I may get us lost in Alabama...when we are supposed to stay in Tennessee"
Never been so scared in my whole life......I hear banjos and live in fear
"and we all enjoy a visit to the toystores"
Maybe next time we should go to a kid's know...for something different. I believe they have inflatable and attachable toys too....just different shaped.
