Some of you know that I started a new adventure today in that I am co-facilitating (or whatever) a new hire class at my job for the next two months..Well, today was a pretty easy day for the trainees in that we all spent the time getting to know each other and playing little "team" building 2/1 (tell two truths and one lie about yourself) and then we proceeded having to tell one unique thing about ourselves...
I was the last to come up with something and had a hard time finding something unique about myself, because I am really a normal kind of gal and have never done or met anybody worth bragging about..(apparently I am in a class in which some met Michael Jackson, sang with Barry Manilow (and yes, she bragged about that

), and one girl claimed her uncle was on the phone with Bill Clinton when he soiled Monica's dress and she met four presidents). I guess, you know why I had a hard time coming up with something worthwhile to tell about I just blurted out "I collect smurfs"...they looked at me with the look I have come to expect and asked"do you have them all?" to which I kinda shrugged my shoulders and just said "I have .....a lot"....The trainer then proudly announced she knows what smurfs are in Spanish and looked at me asking if I knew...which of course I do...thanks to Joaquin
Now, you need to know that I am usually a closet smurfer unless I know the people really well...and I most certainly usually don't go around introducing myself with "Hi, my name is Maureen and I am a smurf collector"....but it was fun in a way and they talked about smurfs for a few seconds even

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