A really hard to answer question, Rachel!!!!!
You all know I love to buy at fairs...If someone doesn´t believe me, please...
I like to buy on ebay too, but always with carefully, because of the fakers...It is a great pleasure to overbid some collectors I don´t like
A fleamarket is a good place to get smurfs, even more if you find a bargain or a rare one there...The only problem is that there aren´t too many fleamarkets in my city
To trade smurfs is really great: I have been trading last weeks with spanish collectors, and it is funny: as Rachel says, two people are happy
To receive a smurf from a friend as a present is the best...This smurf will occup always a very special place in my cabinet!!!!!
But I think the way I like the most is another: suddenly you receive a mail from someone you know time ago...A big collector, a seller, or someone who know you like smurfs...He offers the smurf, you decide the price, he accepts, you pay, you receive and you are happiest man in the planet!!!!!!!!